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No, but now we have two types of atomic bombs: fission and fusion. The World War 2 bombs were only fission.

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Q: Has the Atomic bomb been replaced by something else since world war 2?
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What was the world death rate from war in years before the atomic bomb compared to world yearly death rates from wars since the atomic bomb?

70,000 dead

What has the atomic bomb done to society?

One thing is that since the age of atomic weapons there has not been any more world wars.

How did US troops stop Germany in World War 2?

they did something with an atomic bomb

Why haven't atomic weapons been used since World War 2?

Answer by an editor: No one wants to use an atomic weapon, particularly the nuclear missiles we have now in the world. The weapons of today can destroy 1/3 of the world so they are not fired.

Was an atomic bomb used in world war 1?

Of course not, WW1 ended in 1919; the atomic bomb was not built until july 1945. It is not possible to use something before it exists.

What did nagasaki do in World War 2?

It served as the second target for the atomic bomb since Japan didn't surrender with the first bomb.

When was Atomic Rulers of the World created?

Atomic Rulers of the World was created in 1964.

What is the duration of Atomic Rulers of the World?

The duration of Atomic Rulers of the World is 1.38 hours.

What has the US learned about the use of the atomic weapons since the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?

They learned not to drop atomic bombs even through their silly nuclear arms race during the Cold War. Trust me no one wants to send off an atomic missile because a huge part of the world would be annihilated.

What lasting effects have the use of atomic bombs had on the world?

The atomic age.

What is the world's most atomic earthquake?

Earthquakes are not 'atomic'. They are natural disasters.

What is the Name of the world first atomic-powered submarine?

The world's first atomic powered submarine was the USS Nautilus.