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Well I Dont Know Because None Of These Websites Will Tell Me

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Q: Has anyone ever sneezed with their eyes open?
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What would happen if you sneezed with your eyes open?

I have noticed no negative effects when I do.

How do actors open there eyes under water?

Anyone can once you get used to it.

Does the pokemon panpour ever open its eyes?

In the anime it has, so it does.

Will cat boy ever open his eyes?

woof woof Danny O.O

What does it mean when a kittens eyes open immediately?

It might not make..... OR it could live longer than ever!

Can people balance better with their eyes open or their eyes closed?

eyes open :)

What is does that mean that there eyes were bold in twilight when Rosalie made a mess in the kitchen?

Have you ever been so suprised that your eyes get wide with suprise or amzement? Well, that's what it means. Their eyes shot open in suprise.

Could parenting classes be good for you?

Parenting classes can be good for anyone as long as you go into it open minded. Many times they open your eyes to things you may not have thought about before.

How are you able to see things?

open your eyes open your eyes

When do ospreys open their eyes?

They open their eyes after 2 weeks

What cant you do with your eyes open?

You cannot sneeze with your eyes open.

Did you know that it is impossible to sneeze keeping your eyes open?

Actually, if you've ever watched Mythbusters, they've proved that to be false.