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His men were tired from the battle with Harald Hardrada.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

to by killed by an arrow in his eye whilst defending England against the Norman invaders

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Q: Harolds bad luck in Battle of Hastings?
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What bad omen did Harold see at the battle of hastings?

A comet was seen

Which things were bad luck for England in the battle of Hastings?

Harold Godwinson lost his best solider during the battle of StamfordHarold's men had to go south to fight the Normans;which meant they were tiredThey haven't got advanced weapons

Why William won the battle hasting?

the 3 main reasons are: 1. William had better tackticks then Harold 2. Harold had to leave half of his army behind 3. when harolds army saw the haleys commet the thought is was bad luck so when the turrend to see the commet Williams army took the chance and struck harolds team

What bad luck did Harold have in the battle of hastings 1066?

Harold was quick to take decisions. he made many mistakes and lead him to bad luck. one of them were to wait for a while instead of just assuming!And just to top of all the bad luck in mid battle Williams archers started firing up penertrating Harolds wall ain't that just dandy.

How did Harold's bad luck help William?

It helped because first he went to Harold's army to fight then he got some news that William came. Harold went to London got some people and then they walked to the south and they got tired. William had luck to fight against him and a tired army.

At the Battle of Chanellorville the Confederacy was successful but had bad luck what was their bad luck?

The mortal wounding of Stonewall Jackson by his own men - whether deliberately or not is still passionately debated.

What king was defeated in the battle of hastings in 1066?

in the year of the Battle of Hastings 1066 Harald sigurdson (Otherwise known as Hardrada) of Norway was the first to land in England with an invasion force and was defeated at stamford, but the battle of hasting was fought between Harold godwineson of England and the invading army of William of Normandy

What castle was Battle of Hastings?

i don't think there was a castle at the battle, but after the battle then the new king William had an abbey made in honour or that he felt bad about killing king Harold and where king Harold fell to his death it is said that the high alter marks the spot of his death, the castle of hastings on the sea front was one of the 1st castles to be erected by William i don't think there was a castle at the battle, but after the battle then the new king William had an abbey made in honour or that he felt bad about killing king Harold and where king Harold fell to his death it is said that the high alter marks the spot of his death, the castle of hastings on the sea front was one of the 1st castles to be erected by William

How was William the Conqueror a bad leader?

He was a bad leader because he killed a lot of his citizens on the road to war and after the Battle of Hastings. Almost all Monarchs were ruthless killers and didn't care how many people they killed.

Is it bad luck to have 13 letters in your name?

It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.

If you saw Suicune and turned your game off will he still be there?

It Depends If You saved it After The Battle. If You didnt, Bad Luck. But if you DID, Then You get To Keep it.

Are doors that are blocked bad luck?

No they are not bad luck because Bad luck is not real