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Q: Greeks believed your spirit would never be at rest if?
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Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses could speak to them in?

the Greeks believed that the gods would speak to them in there dreams

Greeks believed that gods and goddess could speak to them at?

The Greeks believed that gods and goddesses communicated with them through omens, dreams, and oracles such as the Oracle of Delphi. They saw these messages as guidance and instructions from the divine realm.

What did the Greeks believe would happen if they didn't worship aphrodite?

The Greeks believed that not worshiping Aphrodite would cause them to cease to love and produce children.

Why did the Greeks kill the deformed children?

They believed that imperfection would compromise their way of life.

How would you make I would into a contractions?

The phrase 'I would' in contracted form is I'd. For example, the sentence "I would never have believed it." would become "I'd never have believed it."

What did Native Americans believe would happen to them if they smoked tobacco?

they believed that it would sorta connect them with their spirit it was sacred

How would the world today be different if the Greeks never fought the Persians?

The Greeks saw the Persians off, so nothing changed.

What sea was most important to the Greeks?

the Greeks lived on the Mediterranean Sea... so I would say that one. They knew of the Black sea and the Caspian sea; and the ancient Greeks believed the Atlantic Ocean to be a world encompassing sea.

Why were Ancient Olympics made to honor the gods?

Because the ancient Greeks believed they would earn respect and the gods would bring them good fortune.

Why did Greeks have rituals under Greek mythology?

The people of ancient Greece believed that by conducting sacrifices..they would keep the gods happy.

Why was Apollo important to the Greeks?

because he was the sun god, many believed if the sun did not come out , they would not have enough energy for themselves and for the crops.

Why would a native American apologize to a turnip?

They would apologise before they pulled it. they believed that all living things had a spirit and were taught to respect that.