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They thougt encouraging people to worship the gods.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Juelz Lopez

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βˆ™ 3y ago

being gay.....

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Fatimah Cozart

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βˆ™ 2y ago

A: They believed in the power of the human mind to think, explain, and understand life.

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βˆ™ 3y ago

I don’t really know what the answer is

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Q: Greek philosophers believed that one thing was more important than anything else in life. what was it?
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What did greek philosophers believe was more important than anything else in life?

Greek philosophers believed that living a virtuous and ethical life was more important than anything else. They emphasized the importance of self-reflection, rational thinking, and seeking wisdom to achieve personal fulfillment and happiness.

The greek philosophers believed in four basic elements which was not specifically identified as on of these?


The greek philosophers believed in what four basic elements?

The ancient Greek philosophers believed in four basic elements: earth, water, air, and fire. They believed that everything in the physical world was made up of varying combinations of these elements.

Who were important Greek philosophers?

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

Who did Greek philosophers believe universe was governed by?

Greek philosophers believed that the universe was governed by natural laws and principles, often personified as deities such as Zeus or the concept of a divine intelligence called the Logos. They also believed in the concept of fate or destiny, which influenced the course of events in the universe.

What did greek philosophers believe that matter was made of?

Greek philosophers believed that matter was made of fundamental elements, such as earth, air, fire, and water. They thought that all substances were composed of varying combinations of these elements.

What did Greek philosophers think was the most important thing in life?

Many Greek philosophers believed that the pursuit of virtue and living a life of moral excellence was the most important thing in life. Socrates emphasized the importance of self-knowledge, Plato focused on the pursuit of truth and justice, and Aristotle highlighted the pursuit of happiness through virtuous living.

What was most important to the Greek philosophers?

I think it was Hans Muster and he still lives today.

Did greek philosophers think that the greatest freedom is the freedom to seek the truth?

Yes, many Greek philosophers believed that seeking truth and knowledge led to greater freedom of thought and understanding. For them, the pursuit of truth was essential for personal growth and enlightenment.

Who were the sophist andwhat were their beliefs?

The Sophists were ancient Greek teachers who emphasized the art of persuasion and rhetoric. They believed that truth and morality were subjective and could be manipulated by skillful argumentation. They were known for charging fees for their teaching and were criticized by philosophers like Plato for promoting relativism and self-interest.

What were the two things all greek philosophers agree on?

Greek philosophers generally agreed on the importance of reason and the pursuit of wisdom as essential aspects of human life. They believed in the power of critical thinking and argued that knowledge and self-awareness were key to living a good life.

What did greek philosophers think matter was made up of?

Ancient Greek philosophers believed that matter was made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. According to this theory, different combinations of these elements created all substances in the world.