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Q: Fundamentally the dispute between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton during the Washington administration came down to the fact tha?
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Who were the two leading figures during George Washington's administration?

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

What roles did Jefferson and Hamilton have in Washington and administration?

During Washington's administration, Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State. Washington's cabinet also included Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph.

Why would having Thomas Jefferson joining the Washington administration be a problem?

When Thomas Jefferson joined the administration of President George Washington, there was every chance that there would be a clash over Alexander Hamilton's financial system. This was avoided by an early "practice" in Congress called "logrolling". This was another term for vote swaping.

What position did Jefferson hold in Washington's administration?

In Washington's administration Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State. Thomas Jefferson was the first United States Secretary of State and he was the 3rd President of the United States of America.

What 2 political parties were born during Washington's administration who were the leaders?

Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. Federalist leader was Alexander Hamilton. Democratic Republicans was Thomas Jefferson.

What roles did Jefferson and Hamilton have in George Washington's adminstration?

Thomas Jefferson was Washington's Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton was his Secretary of the Treasury.

Why did Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton wrote letter to George Washington?

To persuade George Washington

Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton was George Washington's Secretary of Treasury from 1789 to 1795. Albert Gallatin was the Secretary of Treasury under Thomas Jefferson. Secretary Gallatin convinced President Jefferson that they should run their administration based on Hamilton's financial and economic programs.

Who were Washington's two most famous cabinet members?

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

How did Thomas Jefferson react to shays rebellion?

He resigned from his post in Washington's administration - as Secretary of State.

Out of the following who did not serve in George Washington's administration Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton John Adams John Marshall and Henry Knox?

Marshall. Washington was President from 1789 to 1797. John Marshall became Chief Justice at the end of John Adams' term as President in 1801.

Who led the Democratic Republicans Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Alexander Hamilton and John Adams George Washington and Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson and John Adams?

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