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Halls, not hills, of Montezuma, referring to US Marine participation in the Mexican War. Actually, the shores of Tripoli came many years earlier, referring to US Marine participation in the war against the Barbary Pirates. It is the first lyric in the USMC hymn.

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Q: From the hills of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli?
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Who fought from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli?


They have fought from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of tripoli?

The United States Marines

How do you use Montezuma in a sentence?

"From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli..." is the opening line of the Marines' Hymn. Montezuma became the leader of the Aztecs in 1502.

From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli is the first line of the Marines Hymn Tripoli is located on the shore of which North African country?


What is the duration of To the Shores of Tripoli?

The duration of To the Shores of Tripoli is 1.43 hours.

When was To the Shores of Tripoli created?

To the Shores of Tripoli was created on 1942-03-11.

What is the battle of battle of Halls of Montezuma?

Mexico The Halls of Montezuma are in Mexico City and the war in which the phase "Halls of Montezuma" refer to was the Mexican War of 1847. The "Shores of Tripoli" refers the the USMC involvement in the "Barbary Wars" to fight the pirates in Libya.

Where is Montezuma from the Marine corps hymn?

Montezuma (Monteczuma) refers to Mexico, and the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) while the "shores of Tripoli" refers to the naval wars against the Barbary pirates (1801-1805 and again in 1815).

Where were the shores of Tripoli?


Where can you stand on the shores of Tripoli?

In Libya.

Where is the Shores of Tripoli?

Libya, Africa

What are the ratings and certificates for To the Shores of Tripoli - 1942?

To the Shores of Tripoli - 1942 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Australia:PG Canada:PG (video rating) Sweden:Btl USA:Approved (certificate #7976)