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Due to the Jewish wars in circa 132-135 AD, a wave of anti-Semitism spread through the Roman Empire. This caused many new Christians - many of whom were Jewish - to separate themselves from anything 'Jewish.' This included the Christian and Jewish Sabbath which Jesus and the Apostles kept faithfully. At the same time, pagan (mostly ascetic and gnostic) beliefs started to exert influence on the new Christians (see Acts 20:29-30).

In this environment, along comes Emperor Constantine I, having defeated his only rival Maxentius in 312 AD using 'Christian' symbols on the shields of his soldiers. Though a pagan 'sun worshipper' or Sol Invictus (dies solis), he now began using 'syncretism' to merge or consolidate his power over the pagan Romans and new Christians. One of his first changes was to adopt Sunday in-lieu of Saturday as the only day of worship. Anything Jewish he despised. A bit later in the 4th Century, another Roman Empire made Sunday worship mandatory upon death if caught worshipping on the 'Jewish Sabbath' (Note: It is God's Sabbath established in Creation week long before anyone called a Jew). The Roman Church grew in power and land areas - today the Roman Catholic Church is the largest with 2.1 billion adherents. And the 'daughter' churches in Orthodoxy and Protestantism simply kept this wrong practice. There was no divine authority to change God's Sabbath - regardless how one wrongly interprets Matthew 16:19 and the future perfect passive tense it uses in its construction. Remember what the Scripture says very clearly for both physical and spiritual Israel (Church today):

Exodus 31:13New American Standard Bible (NASB) 13 "But as for you, speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'You shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you.

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Q: Friday from sunset to Saturday sunset is the Sabbath why do we see Sunday as the Sabbath?
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Yes. The Christian Sabbath is celebrated by Christians on Sunday. Jews celebrate the Sabbath from Friday sunset until Saturday after twilight.

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Shabbat starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown.

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Saturday, from Friday sunset until Saturday after twilight.

When is the sabbath observed?

The Sabbath is the period of time that begins shortly before sunset on Friday evening and endsshortly after sunset on Saturday evening. Those who choose to observe it do so during that interval.

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For the Jews it last from Friday sunset to Saturday evening when it is dark.

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Sunday for the Christians Saturday for the Jews Friday for the Muslims Another View: Additionally, there are those fundamental Christians who are still Sabbath keepers like Jesus and the Apostles were. These celebrate the 'day of rest' aka Sabbath beginning on sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. They also observe the 7 Annual Holy/Feast Days known as 'High Sabbaths.'

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Hebrew calendar days begin and end at sunset so the Sabbath begins at sunset Friday and ends at sunset Saturday - includes the night portion of Friday and the daylight portion of Saturday. This follows the Creation account of Genesis 1.

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If he's an Orthodox Jew, using the telephone is prohibited on the Sabbath, which lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.