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The storming of the Bastille took place on 14 July 1789. The King at that time was Louis XVI, who was sympathetic to some of the revolutionaries' demands. He was a well-meaning if ineffectual king.

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Nobody significant was executed on Bastille Day. That day celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution and storming of the Bastille.

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Q: French king during Bastille
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Was the King of France beheaded during the Storming of the Bastille?

No, the Bastille was stormed on 14 July 1789 and King Louis XVI was never held in the Bastille. When he was imprisoned, it was at the Temple and he was not executed until 21 January 1793 almost three and a half years after the French Revolution began.

How did the king die during the french revolution?

The revolution started in 1789 with the storming of the Bastille prison and the Tennis Court Oath and ended in 1799 with Napoleon rising to power. King Louis XVI was killed in 1793, at the start of the reign of terror.

Was King Louis XVI involved in the Bastille?

He was never confined in the Bastille.

What was the Bastille and why was it important?

It was a Royal prison and fortress normally reserved for enemies of the King. Because the Storming of the Bastille was a popular grass roots effort without genuine leadership, it marks the start of the French Revolution in history.

What was the Bastille?

A former fortress in Paris, France that was built between 1370 and 1383. It was in use as a prison and became a focal point in the French Revolution.*improved by cheetah1022*The Bastille was a fortress-prison in Paris, known formally as Bastille Saint-Antoine-Number 232, Rue Saint-Antoine-best known today because of the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, which along with the Tennis Court Oath is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. The event was commemorated one year later by the Fête de la Fédération. The French national holiday, celebrated annually on 14 July is officially the Fête Nationale, and officially commemorates the Fête de la Fédération, but it is commonly known in English as Bastille Day. Bastille is a French word meaning "castle" or "stronghold", or "bastion"; used with a definite article (la Bastille in French, the Bastille in English), it refers to the prison.It was when the French peasants broke into the Bastille prison (or fortress) in Paris to steal the weapons and gun powder but whilst doing so the released the 7 prisoners.

Related questions

Was the King of France beheaded during the Storming of the Bastille?

No, the Bastille was stormed on 14 July 1789 and King Louis XVI was never held in the Bastille. When he was imprisoned, it was at the Temple and he was not executed until 21 January 1793 almost three and a half years after the French Revolution began.

What did the peasants do to their king in the French Revolution?

They Stormed the Bastille.

Where was the king during the storming of the Bastille?

King Louis XVI was residing at (the palace of) Versailles.

The French Monarch During The 1790 Bastille Day?

King Louis XVI. By the way, the Bastille was stormed on July 14th 1789. One year later that same day, this event was remembered and celebrated as still happens today.

Which French prison was Voltaire Jailed by king Louis?

Voltaire was imprisoned in the Bastille by King Louis XV of France in 1717. He was held for nearly a year before being released.

What French prison was Voltaire jailed in by King Louis XV?

Voltaire was jailed in the Bastille prison in Paris by King Louis XV. He was imprisoned for his criticism of the king and his political works.

What was the significance of the stroming of the Bastille?

It began the French Revolution and freed the people arrested by the king.

Why did the third estate need gun powder during the french revolution?

Troops from the King were coming and they thought that the King sent them to punish them so they invaded the Bastille to look for gun powder to defend themselves.

Did the French Revolution begin with the beheading of the King?

No, it begins with the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789.

What conflict was fought to secure basic rights for French citizens froma despotic king?

The French Revolution ( The 'Storming of the Bastille) in 1789.

What are the reasons of Bastille Day?

During the early stages of the French Revolution, the Parisians finally had enough of the French Monarchy and inequality. They attacked the Bastille (which was a famous prison, holding many political prisoners of the King, whose only crime was to disagree with the status quo) killing some of the guards, but eventually freeing many people. The Bastille Day is a reminder of the courage the people showed towards injustice and how they took action.

How did the king die during the french revolution?

The revolution started in 1789 with the storming of the Bastille prison and the Tennis Court Oath and ended in 1799 with Napoleon rising to power. King Louis XVI was killed in 1793, at the start of the reign of terror.