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Q: Freedom from the control or rule of another country is what?
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Related questions

What is freedom from rule by another country?

Freedom from rule by another country is known as independence. It represents a state's autonomy and ability to govern itself without interference from external powers. Independence usually involves political, economic, and social self-determination.

What are some of the attributes of democracy?

The Freedom of political expression The freedom of speech To Rule To control Pokemon on the battlefield

What is a occupation of a country?

An occupation of a country refers to a situation in which one country has military control over another country, often against the will of the occupied nation. Occupations can result from wars, invasions, or other forms of military intervention.

What are the three key factors resulting in a country's success as a world leader?

Decmocracy, Rule of Law, and Economic Freedom

For which country did William Wallace fight?

William Wallace fought for freedom of Scotland from under English rule.

Why did Irish nationalists oppose British rule?

Because they wanted independence so that Ireland could rule itself, not be ruled by Another Country.

What started the malayan war?

The start of the Malayan war came when Malaya wanted freedom from the ever-increasing British Empire and was fighting for freedom (to be able to rule the country themselves.)

Is Iran colony of another country?

No, Iran is not under foreign rule. It gained independence and is an independent country.

Who has the freedom to make economic decisions?

It depends on which country you are referring. Each country has its own rule to determine who is the manager of the economic issues. Usually he is the Minister of Economic Affairs.

Is Greenland considered a country now that they have home rule?

No, Greenland is still under Danish control.

An autocratic ruler has what power?

An autocratic ruler has complete and unchecked power over their country or territory. They have the authority to make decisions without consulting others and often suppress opposition or dissent. Their rule is characterized by centralized control and limited political freedom.

What is the difference between direct and indirect rule?

There are different methods for ruling a country. Specifically, a country can be ruled through direct rule, which involves the leader living in the country they rule. Or a country can be ruled through indirect rule, which involves a ruler governing from another country.