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manpower; food; boost in morale; and military equipment ;

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Q: Four items the US supplied the Allies with were?
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Who supplied us oil during World War 2?

6 billion barrels of the 7billion barrels consumed by the allies was supplied by the US.

Who were the US allies in World War 2?

China, Russia, England and France were the four major allies

Why did the Axis Powers believe that the US had allied themselves with Great Britain and the Allies?

Because the US supplied them with supplies. The Axis found out through monitoring.

What was the name of the US program to supply weapons and supplies to the other Allies?

You may be referring to the United States' Lend-Lease program in World War II, in which the US supplied the Allies with billions of dollars worth of material for the majority of the war.

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The US was an ally with France, Britain and Russia. The US was fighting to keep the peace in Europe. The United States supplied its allies with weapon food etc...

What part did the US play in the conclusion of World War 2 and the holocaust?

the US supplied much hardware for the allies to achieve a military victory over Germany and the Axis powers, thus ending the war and the Holocaust.

How did the US get ready for World War 2?

Before America actually entered WWII, it manufactured arms and munitions and supplied them to England and its allies. Later, it instituted a peacetime draft.

Is Cyprus's allies with US?

I wouldn't think Cyprus are allies with the US considering the US are allies with Turkey and Turkey with the blessing of the US invaded Cyprus.

Who are the US's allies?

The US main allies are: U.K., Israel, And Australia.

Was the US a member of the Allies?

Allies means friends or helpers, The enemy of the US had "allies" too. So, yes.