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few people had enough money to buy much food, so few bought from farms

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Q: Foreclosure during the great depression
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What is foreclosure during the great depression?

foreclosure is when a business is shut down because they are not selling their products or they are doing paying the bills.

How were the hoovervilles important to the Great Depression?

Hoovervills were important to the great depression because when people's homes went to foreclosure, they had no where to go. Hoovervills gave people shelter and food during the great depression when people had no where to go.

What was a market during the great depression?

There was a Msrjet Crash during the great depression.

Which of these rose during the great depression?

Migration rose during the Great Depression.

Did they have bicycles during the great depression?

Yes, there were bicycles during the great depression.

What was environmental cleanliness like during the Great Depression?

it was not clean during the great depression

How does hooverville relate to the Great Depression?

It happenes during the Great Depression.

What did some Americans question during the Great Depression?

What did some americans question during the great depression?

What day did the banks close during the Great Depression?

what did so many banks close during the great depression

Was Taylor Swift around during the Great Depression?

The Great Depression happened in the 1930s and 1940s. Taylor Swift was born in 1989, so she was not around during the Great Depression.

Is there anyone their who lived during the great depression?

There are many Americans who were alive during the depression.

Christmas during the Great Depression?

Yes chrismas still occurred during the depression.