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* Support the US policy of containment * Australia had alliance commitments * Concerns over Indonesia * Support for US in Vietnam as insurance policy * Fear of communism * Belief in the 'domino theory' * Menzies government policy of anti-communism * Fear of Australia being taken over by South Vietnam * The United States was also a powerful ally providing Australia with protection in case of attack

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Q: For what three reasons was Australia involved in the Vietnam War?
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Australia Vietnam war?

All three Australian armed forces and civilian formations were involved in the Vietnam war from 1962 to 1972. The related link lists them.

What were three reasons why Americans lost the Vietnam War?

Couldn't isolate the battlefield.

What are the three main US Presidents that were involved in the Vietnam War?

Kennedy - Johnson - Nixon .

The countries involved in Vietnam war?

North Vietnam, and southern communist guerillas living in South Vietnam (Viet Cong), (supported by the Soviet Union and Red China); verses the US, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, and South Vietnam.

How many American presidents involved with the Vietnam War?

i believe three Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon

What were the three battles involved in the Vietnam War?

There were a lot more then 3 battles from 1945 to 1975. Expand on your question.

Describe three reasons why the American public did not support Americas involvement in the Vietnam War?

The military draft. The military draft. And of course, the military draft. If people are NOT involved...they simply do not care. When they received that draft notice in the US Mail...they very suddenly cared!

What are three things us and Vietnam are in common?

They were both involved in the Vietnamese war. They both lost the war. They both have people in their country that speaks English.

How many times would Vietnam fit into Australia?

The country of Vietnam (which includes the North and South of 40 years ago) today is approximately a little smaller than the state of Montana (by about 20,000 square miles). However, terrain wise, having a long coastline, Vietnam (counting N & S together) would more resemble California or Florida.

What are three reasons the US will become involved in World War 1?

1) Oil 2) Oil 3) Big mac's and fries

Does Vietnam have mountins?

Mountains cover three-fourths of Vietnam's area

Why did Australia become involved in the Korean War?

Australia was asked by the United Nations and the United States (whom we have a loyalty to since the end of World War II) to join the Korean war. (and the Vietnam War) Australia's main reason for joining the Korean war was to protect the "Domino Effect" happeniing. The Domino Effect was the way people described the way "if one country falls to communism, so will other countries (just like domino's)" Australia wanted to eliminate the threat of communism spreading and getting closer.