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Napoleon bore the title Emperor from 1804 to 1814. He briefly re-assumed it in 1815 during the "Hundred Days" period.

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About 10 years.

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He was 35.

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Q: For approximately how many years was Napoleon emperor?
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How many emperors of France were there?

Two. Napoleon I, who ruled from 1804 to 1814 and his nephew Napoleon III, who ruled as Emperor from 1852 to 1870. Napoleon II, the son of Napoleon I, never was crowned Emperor of France. After the abdication of Napoleon I, he did appoint his then 3 years-old son as his successor, but the Allied victors refused to acknowledge this succession. His mother then took him back to her native Austria where he died in 1832.

How many Napoleons were there in French history?

There were three of them as follows: Napoleon I (Bonaparte) from 1804 - 1814 Napoleon II (Son of Napoleon I) ruled for one month in 1815 Napoleon III (Nephew of Napoleon I) ruled from 1852 - 1870. also known as Louis Napoleon

What was the country or empire Napoleon ruled?

Napoleon was Emperor of the French. Born in 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica. He dies in 1821 on the Island of St Helena.

How many wives did Napoleon have?

Napoleon had two wives (at different times). He first married Josephine with whom he was reportedly very much in love. After he became Emperor and she did not bear children, he divorced her and married, Marie Louise who was the daughter of the Emperor of Austria.

How many years did the Napoleonic wars last?

The starting date is debated - either 1799 when Napoleon seized power as First Consul, or 1803 when Britain declared war on France, or 1804 when Napoleon was crowned Emperor of France. Either way, they lasted until 1815, when Napoleon was defeated for the final time at Waterloo and abdicated shortly after.

How many babies does a emperor tetra have?

Approximately 2000 - 2500 hatchlings.

How many years did a Roman Emperor serve?

On average, about 6 years.

Under Napoleon what form of government France have?

the correct answer for novanet is: a military Dictatorship..From 1799 to 1804 Napoleon was First Consul. The form of government was a dictatorship.From 1804 to 1815 Napoleon was Emperor, the form of government an empire - with many forms inspired by the monarchy.

How many years did Napoleon live?

He died at the age of 51 in 1821.

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How many years did Napoleon stay in Elba?

Only about 10 months.

Under Napoleon what form of government did France have?

the correct answer for novanet is: a military dictatorship..From 1799 to 1804 Napoleon was First Consul. The form of government was a dictatorship.From 1804 to 1815 Napoleon was Emperor, the form of government an empire - with many forms inspired by the monarchy.