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yes ammonia use as a refrigerant

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What is the Refrigerant ammonia?

Ammonia is a refrigerant commonly used in industrial refrigeration systems due to its efficient cooling properties. It is a colorless gas with a sharp, pungent odor, and it is highly efficient at absorbing heat. However, it can be toxic if inhaled in high concentrations, so proper safety measures must be in place when using ammonia as a refrigerant.

What is an ammonia plant?

a ammonia plant makes ammonia by using a special process called the Haber Bosch process they are infamous by their smell, they make fertilizers and sometimes dyes and nylon

How do we represent ammonia?

Ammonia is represented by the chemical formula NH3.

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Can you give me a sentence using ammonia?

In the book, "A Child Called It", David's mother locks him in a room with a bucket of ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless, suffocating gas.

How do you draw an electron-dot diagram for ammonia?

It is very easy. Take a nitrogen atom at center. Draw 5 valence electrons around it (keep two of them in pairs). Now take 3 hydrogen atoms in front of every free electron. Draw the electron of each hydrogen atom. Click Here to see the diagram I have drawn using using MS Paint.

What is the process called that makes ammonia?

The Harbor process...? i think :) well you can make ammonia using the harbor process.

When did jeep start using R-134a refrigerant?

1993 or 1994

What damage could be done to an AC compressor if there is no refrigerant but you are not using it?

If you are not using it, no damage will occur.If you are not using it, no damage will occur.

How computer workes using diagrams?

using computer diagram

How many grams of ammonia NH3 will be prepared when 6.00g of hydrogen H2 has reacted?

The reaction between hydrogen and ammonia to form ammonia is 3H2 + N2 → 2NH3. To find the amount of ammonia produced when 6.00g of hydrogen reacts, first convert the mass of hydrogen to moles using its molar mass. Then, use the mole ratio from the balanced equation to find the moles of ammonia produced, and finally, convert this to grams using the molar mass of ammonia.