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the native Africans

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Q: First people to use horses who did use them first for transport?
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Was horses the first type of transport?


Who were the first people to reintroduce horses to America?

the first people to bring horses to America were the spanish people or spaniards.

When did people first see horses?

It is unknown.

What did people first think of the car?

It scared the horses.

What is the first thing people rode?

i think horses

Are horses the 1 companion?

If you mean the first animals people had, then no, wolves (now dogs) were the first.

What was Shakespeare's first job?

His first job was to hold horses for people when they went into the theatre to watch a play

What was the name of the first locomotive to transport people?

The Rocket - invented by George Stevenson - its first journey was in 1825.

When was the first use of horses?

Horses were domesticated in central Asia and the Middle East as far back as 2500 BC and possibly earlier than this. Horses were first used for agriculture - pulling plows and carts - before they were used for riding and war.

What was horses used for?

Before cars horses were used to pull carriages and as transport and before the first world war horses were used in battle. Horses used to be used in carrying machinery, pack horses and carrying other stuff. Also ploughing, hunting etc.

Which Indian tribe had horses first?

I think the Comanche had the horses first?

What were some achievements of the Songhai?

created the first irrigation system first to grow cropse first people to send horses to the glue factory