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Q: First instrument used for an earthquake?
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What instrument is used to fine the measure of an earthquake?

A seismograph.

What is the instrument used to determine the size of an earthquake?

A Seismograph

Instrument used to record damage caused by earthquake?


What instrument is used o measure the strength of an earthquake?

Richtor scales

What instrument used for earthquake that it is going to occur or not?

I think it's a seismograph.

What instrument is used to rate earthquake size?

The Richter Scale is used to rate earthquakes.

What Instrument measures the density of an earthquake?

A seismometer is the instrument that measures the density of an earthquake, which is done by detecting and recording the vibrations produced by seismic waves. These measurements help scientists determine the magnitude and intensity of an earthquake.

What instrument are used to warn us about a pending earthquake?

A seismometer, or seismograph. One of the two! :)

What monitoring device measures vertical movement of an earthquake?

A seismograph is an instrument used to measure movement of earthquake. It measures the seismic waves of that area.

What was the first instrument to ever record an earthquake?

The first instrument to ever record an earthquake was the seismograph, invented by John Milne in 1880. It consisted of a rotating drum that recorded ground motion caused by seismic waves, allowing for the measurement and analysis of earthquakes.

What is earthquake instrument?

An earthquake instrument is a device or tool used to measure and detect the different parameters associated with earthquakes, such as magnitude, intensity, and frequency. Some common earthquake instruments include seismometers, accelerometers, and tiltmeters, which help scientists monitor and study seismic activity.

What is an instrument to record earthquake?
