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RAMIE is the fbre the used to make the cloths to wrap mummies

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Q: Fiber used to make mummy cloths?
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What plant is used to make cloths sacks and ropes?

Jute is a plant commonly used to make cloth sacks and ropes. It is a natural fiber that is strong and durable, making it suitable for these purposes. Jute plants are primarily grown in countries like India and Bangladesh.

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Can you make paper out of feces?

Yes. Fecal matter contains fiber, and the fiber can be used to make paper.

How did Egyptians make cloths?

They used flax to make linen. Then, they soaked it and used the resulting fibers and spun it to make thread. They then used the thread to make robes.

How did the Aztecs make there cloths?

They used the points of a cactus plant to sow

Is rayon used to make fibers?

Rayon is a fiber. It is used to make a type of cloth.

How can the word mummy be used in a sentence?

There are mummy in the Egypt.

What is the material used to make fire blanket?

aramid fiber, carbon fiber fiber glass, wool treated with some chemicals

How is fiber used?

Carbon fiber can be be used for so many different things. It was mostly used for racecars beause its very lightweight. Carbon fiber is now being used (in very smal amounts) on cars. Carbon fiber canot be used to make a whole car because its very expensive and if the car is broken and cannot be used again, its very hard to recycle. You can make alomost anything out of carbon fiber.

What tools are used for mummifacation?

to make a pharaoh into a mummy by first embalming the mummy and then wrapping the mummy in linen and putting over the body salt and other ingredients and putting the body in a coffin made of gold and painted very beautifully.

What are the uses of cotton fiber?

it is used to make badages and dressinger