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The Populist Party

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Q: Farmer based party that demanded unlimited silver coinage a graduated income tax and government ownership of railroads telephone and telegraph?
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Why did railroads and the telegraph expand together?

because telegraph wires were poles along the railroad tracks

How did the development of canals railroads and the telegraph transform America?

It helped America to develop its economy and transportation.

What new technologies and industries appeared between 1850 and 1900 and how did they affect the world economy?

Canals(Suez, Panama); Railroads;Botany; and the Telegraph

Why did people support the populist party?

The populists considered themselves to be a party of the people because the new party claimed the gov't should own the railroads and the telegraph lines.

What issues were Populists concerned about?

Many of the ideas and goals of the Populists would become laws later on in American history. They called for the election of US senators by popular vote, rather than by state legislatures (17th Amendment). They demanded the universal use of the secret (Australian) ballot, to prevent employers from forcing workers to vote a certain way. They introduced the ideas of the initiative, referendum and recall which were added to many state constitutions. They called for the abolition of national banks and for the government ownership of railroads and the telegraph (socialistic ideas). They advocated a postal savings system so that ordinary people might avoid depositing their money in privately owned banks, and for a graduated income tax. They felt the wealthy should pay a higher percentage in taxes than the middle class or poor. They also called for an increase in the amount of money in circulation through the unlimited coinage of silver.

Related questions

What solution did the populist farmers propose for their problems?

The populists proposed unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of sixteen to one, a graduated income tax, and government control of the telephone, telegraph, and railroads.

What federal government organization was used to regulate railroads telephone and telegraph companies?

Interstate Commerce Commission was formed by the federal government to regulate railroad, telephone, and telegraph companies.

Which included Alliance members farmers labor leaders and reformers called for a graduated income tax bank regulation and government ownership of railroad and telegraph companies?

The Populist Party is the political party whose members included farmers, labor leaders, and reformers. They advocated for a graduated income tax to address income inequality, as well as bank regulation to prevent abuses. Additionally, the Populists supported government ownership of railroad and telegraph companies, in order to ensure fair and affordable services for all.

What did Populist Party argue for?

they wanted the rich to pay more taxes

Why did the populist party want the government to own railroads and telegraph and telephone system?

The populist party was a new national political party that was formed in 1892 and it called for the government to own railroads and telephone and telegraph systems. This also favored the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

Why did railroads and the telegraph expand together?

because telegraph wires were poles along the railroad tracks

What factor helped railroads establish dependable schedules?

the invention of the telegraph

Which of these factors helped railroads establish dependable schedules?

the invention of the telegraph

Why did Russia and Britain compete for power in Persia?

because the government helped build telegraph,lines and railroads and experimented with a liberal constitution but everyone want superior power.

What group of people did the populist party support?

8 hour work days, immigration restrictions, government control over the railroad, telephone, and telegraph system

What two things were built to speed expansion west?

Railroads and the telegraph i believe

What reforms did the populists support?

They called for the election of US senators by popular vote, rather than by state legislatures (17th Amendment). They demanded the universal use of the secret (Australian) ballot, to prevent employers from forcing workers to vote a certain way. They introduced the ideas of the initiative, referendum and recall which were added to many state constitutions. They called for the abolition of national banks and for the government ownership of railroads and the telegraph (socialistic ideas). They advocated a postal savings system so that ordinary people might avoid depositing their money in privately owned banks, and for a graduated income tax.