

Facts about medieval realms

Updated: 8/22/2023
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15y ago

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Answer90% of the people couldn't read, most people were dead by mid 20's, the black plague came from Asia to Europe, people used tallow candles so when they burned them they stunk of tallow, peat moss was often used in the fireplaces, most of the bread they ate was barley or rye since wheat was too expensive, Europe didn't know of the potato or the tomato or chocolate, the Catholic church was the only church, the word "Lord" stands for Landlord, people dressed mainly in wool or linen, there was no cotton in use, it was a dirty stinky time, there was no inside Plumbing, people paid a tax even when they died, most people lived in wattle houses which were one room and was mixture of mud, straw and other things on a frame, then coated with a white wash, with a thatch roof, straw was thrown on the floor as a covering and then cleaned out once a year, people ate off of trencher which was a piece of wood or thick bread, forks weren't used, they had knives and spoons, and bowls and cups were often shared between people, food was usually rotten and over cooked, salt was so valuable it was kept in a "salt cellar". Rather different AnswerFor a different perspective, please use the link below to the related question, "What are some interesting facts about medieval times?"
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They're old.

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black kings

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I dont know but I need help rlly badly x

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Q: Facts about medieval realms
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Continue Learning about General History

What was a keep in the medieval realms?

a medieval tower on a motte

What currency did medieval peasants have?

If they had any coins at all (there was no paper money) medieval peasants would have the coins of the realm in which they lived. There were many different realms in medieval Europe.

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What Six Facts Are Most Important About Medieval Times?

they were plagues

What are facts about medieval jesters?

They were meant to entertain the rulers of the kingdom and please them. They would do this by telling jokes and stuff like that.

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What was a keep in the medieval realms?

a medieval tower on a motte

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What currency did medieval peasants have?

If they had any coins at all (there was no paper money) medieval peasants would have the coins of the realm in which they lived. There were many different realms in medieval Europe.

What is medieval realms?

A realm is, and was, a kingdom, dukedom, county, or other area ruled by a noble.

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The girls were dresses!

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never mind lol

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they were plagues

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Medieval churches dominated peoples lives, it was oen of the most important events that people looked forward to. In every medieval church, each regions of Europe had their own chant to sing. Check out more info/facts at the website below:

What type of food did the people of the Medieval Realms eat?

lots of things, including, nuts, stews,rats,hearts of animals and pies leaves, and nettles

What are facts about sers in Medieval times?

kings,queens lived in the castle and there r more facts just go to google

Is Free Realms safe?

Freerealms is considered safe due to the facts that it has many security certificates and that Playstation (Sony) run the site.