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There were put under house arrest in the Alexander Palace. They grew a vegetable garden. all children caught the measles and had their hair shaved. but there is still more.

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Q: Facts about Romanov The Royal Family of Russia when Russian Revolution of 1917?
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Which royal family ruled over Russia from 1613 until the Russian Revolution in 1917?

The Romanov family ruled over Russia from 1613 when Michael Romanov was chosen to be Tsar after the Time of Troubles to 1917 when Tsar Nicholas Romanov II abdicated.

Who was the last czar of Russia before the Communists took over?

Nicholas Romanov II was Czar before the Russian Revolution.

Who was the Czar of Russia who was overthrown during the revolution?

Tsar Nicholas Romanov II was the Tsar who was overthrown by the Russian Revolution.

What was the dynasty that was overthrown in the Russian revolution of 1917?

the Romanov dynasty: the Last Tsar of Russia: Tsar Nicholas

Where were the Romanov's from?

The Romanov family ruled over Russia for nearly 300 years. So it's a good bet that they were Russian. Otherwise they had a lot of explaining to do.

Why was anatasia romanov famous?

Anastasia Romanov was the youngest daughter or Tsar Nicholas II of russia when the Romanov family was executed in 1918 after the Russian revolution of 1917, Anastasia and her brother Alexei, tsarevich (crown prince of russia) were not found among the dead for most of the last 100 years, it has been speculated that Anastasia and Alexei survived the firing squad and somehow escaped

Why were the Romanov's important?

The Romanov family were important in that they had much influence in Russia. From 1600 to 1917, a Romanov ruled Russia. The end came in 1917 as last Russian Tsar was overthrown in 1917. Later that year the Bolshevik's took Russia out of WW 1.

What happended to the royal family of russia?

Most of the family was killed during the Russian Revolution including the last Tsar and his immediate family. The surviving family were exiled from Russia after the Revolution

What is the name of the last ruling family in Russia?

The Romanov family ruled for 300 years before Nicolas and his family were murdered in 1917 because of the revolution.

Who was the czar of russia at the time of the revolution?

Czar Nicholas II Romanov was Czar at the time of the Russian Revolutions in 1917. He abdicated the throne after the February Revolution and was out of the picture entirely by the October Revolution of 1917.

The only son of Nicholas the second?

Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov was the only son of Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia. He was born in 1904 and was the heir apparent to the Russian throne before he tragically died in 1918 along with his family during the Russian Revolution.

Who lost control of the Russian government?

The Romanov family.Nicholas II of Russia