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Q: Explain what caused shays rebellion what was one effects?
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What rebellion caused the founding fathers to rewrite the constitution?

shays' rebellion.

What effects did shays rebellion have on the articles of confederation?

Shays Rebellion pointed out the problems in the Articles of Confederation. This lead to the production of the Constitution.

How can shays rebellion be known as good and bad?

shays rebellion was good because it allowed for farmers to be represented through shays army and then caused for people to see the negative aspects of the Articles of Confederation and caused the conventional congress to make changes

What was the caused Shays' Rebellion?

poor farmers were required to pay taxes.

What caused Shays' Rebellion and what was one effect?

Could not sell their goods

What caused Shays rebellion what was one effect?

Could not sell their goods

What is Shays rebellion in a sentence?

There were many great rebellions, but none like shays rebellion. Shays' Rebellion was a militia uprising.

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What problem after the war caused shays rebellion?

Shays' Rebellion was caused by such a downturn and was staged by farmers in Western Massachusetts who were frustrated by land seizures for debt collection. The Rebellion was led by Daniel Shays who marched on the Supreme Court in Springfield. Shay led a group of 1200 irate men who were repulsed by troops.

Shays rebellion was cause by this problem?

Shays Rebellion was caused by foreclosures on farmers properties.

What problems after war caused shays's rebellion?

I think that it was caused by spongebob square pant's and all of his friends