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  • 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments which ended slavery and granted citizenship and the right to vote to blacks
  • the north and south were again united as one nation
  • foundation of the freedmen's bureau and other social organisations to assist marginalised people, particularly slaves and the poor
  • resolved the federalism vs. states rights debate based on the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions


  • groups like the KKK emerged, trying to maintain white supremacy
  • sharecropping/tenant farming was essentially no different from slavery
  • southern economy still in ruins due to lack of industrialisation and reliance on sharecropping
  • democrats reclaimed control in the south and passed the jim crow laws
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Q: Explain one success and one failure of reconstruction?
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What was one success of Reconstruction?

it reunited the nation

What was one success of the Reconstruction?

it reunited the nation

One success of Reconstruction was the .?

it reunited the nation

What statement best describes one major factor that led to the failure of Reconstruction?

no lol

What were some failures during and after reconstruction?

one way reconstruction was a failure is that the freedman bureau burn down the blacks school, meaning no freedom what so ever for the blacks.

What was a major failure of Abraham Lincoln?

Im reminded of some quites ..."Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.""Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.""Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.""Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on ones ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act.""I do not believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process.""Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.""Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure."Stack that against Lincoln and you'll see there were no "major failures" ...REFER TO LINK @ BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR ''LINCOLN'S FAILURES' ...

What was the greatest success of the reconstruction?

The greatest successes of the Reconstruction period were the African American politicians that were elected and held office as Congressional members. The success stems from people, who at one time weren't considered citizens or even human beings, became able to run and win the highest offices in the land. Although it was cut short when Reconstruction ended, the journey from people who were considered property to Congressional legislators was remarkable.

What is the view of umuofian society on success and failure?

In Umuofian society, success is valued and admired as it signifies power, wealth, and respect within the community. On the other hand, failure is often stigmatized and can lead to social exclusion and loss of status. Success is seen as a positive reflection of one's character and abilities, while failure is viewed as a personal shortcoming.

What was one success and one failure of US foreign policy in Asia between 1945 and 1955?

I love black women

Was COBOL a success or failure?

It was a success. It was a very widely used programming language at one time, and there is even still some COBOL surviving in old systems.

What is one way of measuring a presidents success or failure?

One way of measuring a presidents succes or failure is to see the relationship with Congress. If Congress is on the president side, the president will have leavrage in pursuading Congress.

Definition of failure is the stepping stone of success?

no one ha achieved success without failing few times along their life .it gives us an aim to get suceeded.