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i ate

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Q: Example of intransitive verb in a sentence?
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Is the verb transitive or intransitive Beverly works at the pet shop after school.?

Works is an intransitive verb in that example. There is no direct object.

What is a S-IV sentence pattern?

A S-IV sentence pattern consists of a subject (S) and an intransitive verb (V) without an object (IV). It typically describes an action performed by the subject without an object receiving the action. Example: "The dog barked loudly."

What is an example sentence of s-iv-adv?

A sentence with a subject, intransitive verb, and an adverb is:Lorelei complained bitterly.

Is the verb transitive or intransitive in the sentence You ate in the cafeteria?

Ate is intransitive in that sentence. There is no direct object."You ate pizza in the cafeteria" is an example of ate as a transitive verb (pizza is the direct object).

Is land a transitive or intransitive verb?

The verb "land" is transitive when it is used with a direct object. For example, in the sentence "She landed the plane," "plane" is the direct object of the verb "land." However, "land" can also be used as an intransitive verb when it does not take a direct object. For example, in the sentence "The plane landed," there is no direct object.

Is the sentence The dog jumped into the stream intransitive or intransitive verb?

The sentence "The dog jumped into the stream" contains a transitive verb ("jumped") because it has a direct object ("stream").

Why do you use can in sentences?

You can use "can" in a sentence as a noun or a intransitive verb. A example of can in a sentence is "The can is purple". That example is a example of can as a noun. A example of a intransitive verb is "I can use a bottle to squirt was a things". The word "can" is a homonym. A homonym is a word that has the same spelling (or different spelling but same sound) as another, but has a different meaning or origan.

What is an example of intransitive verb?

In grammar, an intransitive verb does not take an object. In more technical terms, an intransitive verb has only one argument (its subject), and hence has a valency of one. For example, in English, the verbs sleep and die, are intransitive. ...

Example of subject-intranstive verb in a sentence?

i am going to bed now''i'' is the subject "am going"is the intransitive verbs

In The distant rainbow was spectacular is the verb transitive or intransitive?

The verb "was" in this sentence is intransitive because it does not take a direct object.

What is subject and intransitive verb?

A subject is a noun or pronoun in a sentence that performs the action or is described by the verb. An intransitive verb is a verb that does not require a direct object to complete its meaning. It can stand alone in a sentence without needing an object.

Which sentence contains an intransitive verb?

She ran.