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They were commonly referred to as "savages", but in most cases, Indians. The name derives from when Columbus first discovered the New World and thought he had landed in India.

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Q: Even though Native Americans had lived here for 1000 of years what did the Europeans call the Americas?
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Why did Native Americans leave India?

Native Americans were not from India. They are native to America, hence the name. The term Indians is a historical mistake due to Colombus thinking he was in India when he arrived in the Americas. The term has stuck, though everyone knows the Americas are not India.

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He discovered the Americas even though he didn't know it was the Americas at the time. He thought that he found a shorter route to India so Europeans could trade spices and other things faster and easier. The Vikings accually discovered it before Christoper Columbus. I am pretty sure that Europeans traded with the Native Americans. Also, now European countries could Get more land.

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Some do, though it's less commonplace.

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There was not a "king" that banished Native Americans. Native Americans were not ever "banished," because though they were often forced on to reservations by treaties with the U.S. government. Presidents of the United States did this.

What was the religion of the Native American?

Ever since the arrival of the Europeans, Europeans converted Native Americans to Christianity by force. That is why most Native Americans with religion are Christian though some maintain their original spiritual beliefs, and others are any other religion. There was no "religion" of the Native American. Native America consisted and consists today of many, many different tribes and clans. Each had their own spirituality. Fake Natives Americans who are actually White, tend to mis-represent Native Spirituality by lumping all the Native stereotypes together and making up fake religious ceremonies to make money.

Who landed in North America but thought he was in Asia?

Christopher Columbus landed disputably in North America, some may say Central America. However, he still landed in the Americas and though he was in India; he named the Native Americans the name: Indians.

Are all Indians called native Americans?

Collectively, yes, they are called Native Americans. Though, quite rightly, the many tribes retain their tribal names and tribal identities.

How did the Inca and the Aztecs rule over their subjects?

Even though the Inca and the Aztecs were separate and distinct civilizations, they were both considered agricultural based economies. The Incas ruled their empire with a centralized government. The Aztecs shared their rule with other city states in Mesoamerica.

Why did the relationship between the french and native Americans generally tend to be peaceful?

Because the French accepted them and their way of life. The Native Americans also welcomed them into their homes. Also The French traded things that did not harm the Native American unlike the English. Even though some of the English made peace with the Native Americans.

Are Native Americans the same as American Indians?

Yes, though "Native Americans" is much more correct than "American Indians". The early explorers accidentally mistook the natives for Indians because they did not know a world outside of Asia, Europe and Africa. They sailed west thinking they would hit India, but instead ran into America. Because they thought they landed in India, the Indian term stuck, even though the Native Americans are not Indians. (Indians are Caucasians while Native Americans are more related to East Asians).