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Principally in the 17th and 18th centuries, European (and, increasingly, American, among many other) explorers did indeed seek out the famous "Northwest Passage" said to connect the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The motivation was economic at root: explorers sought a shorter alternative to the much longer trade routes between western markets and Asia.

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jacques cartier was the one that wanted to find the northwest passage to asia

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John Cabot, Henry Hudson and Jacques Cartier.

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henry hudson and john cabot

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Q: European explorers sought a northwest passage through america to asia?
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why did european explorers seek a northwest passage

Did the french find the northwest passage by establishing colonies?

No, the French did not find the Northwest Passage through the establishment of colonies. The search for the Northwest Passage was primarily conducted by European explorers seeking a direct sea route to Asia through the Arctic region. French explorers did establish colonies in North America but did not find the Northwest Passage.

Why did explorers search for the northwest passage?

The explorers wanted to search for the Northwest Passage to find a way through North America to Asia.because he wanted too

What was the sea route called that explorers used to get through north America?

The Northwest Passage Apex;;;

What was the purpose of the northwest passage?

The purpose of the northwest passage was for European explorers to find a way to Asia by going west. Many people believed that there was such a passage and hoped to find it.

Did the european explorers ever find the northwest passage?

no they never found the north west passage because there was never one

Western European nations sent explorers in search of a northwest passage to find what?

they wanted to find a direct water route to north america

What did European explorers hope to find in Canada to help with trade to the Far East?

The Northwest Passage.

What where European explorers looking for when they found America?

They were looking for the way to reach China, Japan and other eastern countries with which establish business relation, that is the mythical Northwest Passage.

What were explores searching for during their explorations of the north American coast?

A Northwest Passage to Asia

Why were the European explorers important?

Because they tried to find the northwest passage and now we know that no one can find it

What did the New Netherland Company send explorers to find?

A northwest passage around northern America.