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Q: Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys help to etch out?
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Related questions

Who was the leaderof the Green Mountain Boys?

Ethan Allen was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys

Who with the Green Mountain boys in capturing the British-held fort Ticonderoga?

AnswerEthan Allen was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys.

Did Ethan Allen have a nickname?

i think it was green because he was in the green mountain boys militia

What was the group of patriots soldiers from Vermont led by Ethan Allen?

The Green Mountain Boys was a Vermont militia unit led by Ethan Allen.

What did Ethan Allen have around?

Ethan Allen andhis Green Mountain Boys With Him And the American Militia

Who led the Green Mountain boys in battle?

Ethan Allen

Who lived in Vermont?

Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.

What is a What are fact about Ethan Allen?

He was the leader of the green mountain boys.

Why is Ethan Allen famous for?

he was the leader of the green mountain boys

Who led the green mountain boys?

The Green Mountain boys were organized by Ethan Allen before the Revolution and were been led by several people. Seth Warner led them at the Battle of Bennington.

Who led the green mountain boys to ticonderoga?

Ethan Allen who led the Green Mountain Boys from 1770 to 1775.

Who was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys during American Revolution?

Ethan Allen was the leader of the green mountain boys.