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Actually, England (in the sense of King James and his ministers) didn't much care. The honorable gentlemen of the Virginia Company were hoping that the colonists would find gold and silver in quantities comparable to what the Spanish had found in Mexico and Peru.

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If you're referring to World War 2, they provided men, materials and food. They also provided training facilities.

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Q: England wanted the Jamestown colony to provide?
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Did the people of the colony of Jamestown help the colonists?

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because they no longer wanted to become slaves.

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Why did settlers pick Jamestown?

The colonists settled in Jamestown because they wanted to look for gold and silver.

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because king James wanted gold! Also the settlers wanted gold!

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Why was Jamestown made?

The Jamestown colony was settled by colonists who wanted to come to the New World for the purpose of making money, and whose trips were made possible by investors. The colony was sponsored by the Virginia Company. The investors of the company expected quick profits from the colony, and were not happy about the early failures of the colonists.

Why was that location chosen From Jamestown?

Jamestown was chosen because of the climate was similar to Britain.

Where is Plymouth Colony?

the Plymouth colony is a colony that was established in 1620. The colony consisted of pilgrims from England that wanted religious freedom. The colonies government system was from the Mayflower Compact, which was made on the Mayflower. The Plymouth colony was a colony whom wanted religious freedom from England so they sailed to the new world in hopes of getting it.

Who left England to start a new colony because they wanted religious freedom?

The Puritans.