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It wasn't invented during a time of war. It was invented well after the end of WW II.

Richard Lawrence Garwin, American physicist, produced a design in 1952 at IBM Watson Laboratory at Columbia University. This was during the period that the US was involved in the Korean War (1950-1953).

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Q: During what war was the hydrogen bomb invented?
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The first atomic bomb was engineered in WWII, not the Cold War. The Hydrogen Bomb was a Cold War Weapon.

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The hydrogen bomb was not invented until the 1950's. The planes that dropped the first fission-type atomic bombs in World War II are the Enola Gay and Bockscar.

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The first hydrogen bomb was detonated on November 1, 1952 during the presidency of Harry S. Truman.

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The first atomic bomb was developed during a top secret project in Word War II called "Manhattan".

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What country has launched a hydrogen bomb on another country?

None. The hydrogen bomb has never been used in war.

Was the hydrogen bomb used in a war?

no but it was almost in Vietnam

What country was the nuclear bomb invented in?

During world war 2, the United States finished making them. They were first to have a nuclear bomb and the only ones to use it againts mankind.

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hydrogen bomb