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The Boston Massacre

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Q: During what event did Boston troops fire on angry colonists?
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The event in which British troops fire on angry colonists in Boston is known as?

Boston Massacre

Where was Capt Preston standing during the Boston Massacre?

in between the angry crowd of colonists and his soldiers.

What was the effect to the British troops sent to enforce order in Boston?

The British sent troops to enforce rule in Boston because of many problems in Boston like the revolutionists. Sending the soldiers made many civilians in Boston angry. The troops were allowed to stay at peoples homes. So sending troops in to Boston made people more angry.

What was the effect of british troops sent to enforce order in boston?

The British sent troops to enforce rule in Boston because of many problems in Boston like the revolutionists. Sending the soldiers made many civilians in Boston angry. The troops were allowed to stay at peoples homes. So sending troops in to Boston made people more angry.

What happened after the Boston Tea Party?

after the boston tea party the colonists were very angry. they threw 342 chests of tea into the boston harbor becasue they were so angry. but anyway after it the colonists decided if they were going to be patriots nuetruelists or loyalists and the american revolution started

Why were bostonians angry with British in their town?

The Bostinians were angry with the British troops in their town because the British were taxing them heavily in order to pay for the cost of the French and Indian war. The British used methods like the Stamp Act and the Navigation Acts to get more money. When the British saw the colonists getting angrier and getting close to the state of rebellion, they sent in troops to Boston to control the colonists. This eventually caused the Boston Massacre, in which seven British soldiers fired into an American crowd, killing five colonists.

How did Paul use the Boston massacre?

He used the Boston Massacre as a way to make the colonists angry with the British.

What did some colonists doubt about the Boston tea party?

they were angry and wanted to fight

Did Paul Revere use the Boston massacre?

He used the Boston Massacre as a way to make the colonists angry with the British.

How Paul Revere use the Boston massacre?

He used the Boston Massacre as a way to make the colonists angry with the British.

What made the colonists so angry that there was the Boston massacre?

being taxed and treated harshly

What was a major consequences of the Boston massacre?

More colonists became angry about British actions.