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Q: During the war many woman were expected to?
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During the war many women were expected to do what?

They were expected to work in factory jobs.

How many woman were involved in World War 1?

In fighting, none. Woman were not allowed to fight during the first world war.

What were women expected to do during the war?

They were expected to take over men's jobs.

Why were so many woman working during World War 2?

With so many men away at war there was a labour shortage and women had to step up to the plate.

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When world war 1 ended many Indians expected what?

many Indians expected a greater self-government.

What did the woman serve as during the Civil War?


What did woman do during the gulf war?

cook nd clean

What were the role on women in World War 1?

Woman were involved in many different tasks during World War One they nursed, and aided in munitions production and transportation.

What did African Americans and women have in common during World War 1?

During World War One many woman shared something in common with African-Americans. They had to work all the jobs that had previously been done by the men who were now at war.

What did African-American and women have in common during world war 1?

During World War One many woman shared something in common with African-Americans. They had to work all the jobs that had previously been done by the men who were now at war.

What did woman do to occupy their time besides housework during the civil war?

During the Civil War period, woman did multiple things. Some, like Clara Barton, went to the field to be nurses. Others made, repaired, and washed the soldiers uniforms. Some helped pitch camp and cook and even clean the weapons. There are many more small things woman did in the war, but i covered the main things.