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Q: During the Great Depression government loaned money to certain industries A precedent for such financial help was set decades before when the government gave economic aid to?
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How can the northwest ordinance be seen as a precedent for the future government in the US?

It isn’t seen as a precedent for future government. The government was well established when it was written.

What is important about the establishment of Virginia house of Burgesses?

They sent an important precedent for representative government for early America.

What is a presadent?

I'm not sure whether you mean "president" or "precedent," so I'll define both...PresidentWikipedia: The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.PrecedentIn law, a precedent is principle or rule established in a case that influences future decisions.Black's Law Dictionary defines "precedent" as a "rule of law established for the first time by a court for a particular type of case and thereafter referred to in deciding similar cases."

Why may have the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions set a dangerous precedent for the future of the government in America?

Because it raise the problem of state's right, which is a major cause of the Civil War.

How did the Virginia house of burgesses help in the formation of the US government?

The Virginia House of Burgesses was formed in 1619 and was the first form of representative government in the United States. It set the precedent for other local legislatures to be formed throughout the colonies and to an extent it inspired the legislative branch of our government.

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During the Great Depression government loaned money to certain industries. A precedent for such financial help was set decades before when the government gave economic aid to .?

railroad companies

During the Great Depression government loaned money to certain industries. A precedent for such financial help was set decades before when the government gave economic aid to?

railroad companies

How can the northwest ordinance be seen as a precedent for the future government in the US?

It isn’t seen as a precedent for future government. The government was well established when it was written.

What representative assembly set a precedent for representative government in America?

That assembly was the House of Burgesses.

What document did the pilgrim leaders write which set a precedent representative government?

this site is dumb

How do lawyers use precedent to argue their cases?

If the state or federal government has previously ruled on something, a lawyer can use that established precedent to aid their case and prove their side right.

What law set the precedent that private enterprise was subject to government control?

us forcigh policy

What are the characteristics of the higher law of a constitutional government?

A principle that takes precedent over the laws of society.

What two types of precedent are there in doctrine of precedent?

binding(mandatory) precedent persuasive precedent

What is important about the establishment of Virginia house of Burgesses?

They sent an important precedent for representative government for early America.

An appeal to precedent is a type of?

an appeal to precedent is a type of an appeal to precedent is a type of

Do you have to take religious tests to run for a job in government office?

No religious test can be given as a prerequisite for a government job of any type. (Separation of church and state is the precedent for this.)