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Yes. In 1860 there were 3.5 millions slaves in the soon to be Confederate states, and another 500,000 free blacks. Some of these were descended from the first blacks to arrive, who were indentured servants just like poor white immigrants, and so after a term of years (usually seven) were free of the obligation to their master, who had obtained their indenture by paying the cost of transporting then to the colonies. Others were descended from slaves who had been allowed to work and keep the money they earned, and had eventually purchased their freedom, and still others were freed by their owners for one reason or another. Quite a few free blacks became successful tradesmen or substantial landowners, and more than a few owned substantial numbers of slaves themselves.

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Q: During the 1800's were free African Americans allowed to live in the south?
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There were too few African American voters to allow them to become a political force. Apex

What was the reason that some African Americans in New England in the early 1800s were allowed to vote was that?

There were too few African American voters to allow them to become a political force. Apex

A reason that some African Americans in New England in the early 1800s were allowed to vote was that?

There were too few African American Voters to allow them to become a Political force.

In the Alamo were there any African-Americans?

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Did freed African Americans own slaves in the 1800s?

Well, your mom had quite a few slaves back in the day