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Q: During 1937 the Japanese wanted to provoke the US into a declaration of war?
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Did the Japanese wanted to provoke the US into a declaration of war?

Yes. :)

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because they wanted to

Why was there no declaration before pearl harbor attack?

There was no declaration before the attack on Pearl Harbor because the Japanese government believed a surprise attack would cripple the United States Pacific Fleet and prevent them from interfering with Japanese military expansion in the Asia-Pacific region. It was seen as a strategic move to gain an advantage in the early stages of the war.

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Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence and wanted the turkey as the national bird.

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he wanted the us to bomb the Japanese

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They wanted to control the entire Pacific region.

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they wanted to be free

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he wanted to.

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because Jefferson did what ever he wanted to do

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Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration.

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Every one because they wanted freedom and they wanted liberty.