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No, we have limited freedom of speech. This was discussed by the Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who likened the limits on free speech to the yelling of "Fire" in a crowded theater when there was no fire. A citizen must responsibly limit his use of free speech to avoid endangering the innocent. Answer #2 In the PC world of today, there may be limitations on "hate speech" and there are laws against "inciting riots", etc. You also have to be careful of liable or slander.

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Q: Does the first amendment allow complete freedom of speech?
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We are Given Deliberate answered options

What is the purpose of the First Amendment?

The purpose of the first amendment is to give United States of America citizens freedom of speech, grant freedom of religon without persecution, allow assembly and petition of the government.

What was the effect of the sedition act of 1918?

One problem with the sedition act was that it limited the freedom of speech for people. It didn't allow people to say anything bad about the country or the government.

What First Amendment does concerns?

The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights is referred to as "Freedom of Speech". It protects American citizens' rights to speak out against the government (freedom of speech), to belong to whatever religion they choose (freedom of religion), does not allow the government to restrict the media (freedom of the press), and allows private citizens to assemble, or protest, without fear of government retaliation (freedom of assembly).

Which nation tried the idea of Glasnost to allow its people more freedom of speech?

The USSR tried the idea of Glasnost to allow its people more freedom of speech.

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Why are bumper stickers freedom of speech?

because they allow you to express yourself

What is the purpose of the freedom of speech?

To allow others to express themselves to the public.

Does Hitler allow freedom of speech within their country?

No. Hitler did not let freedom of speech in their country because the Nazis took over Germany's government and made Germany a communist country so they were not allowed to have freedom of speech.

Why are first amendment freedom not absolute freedom?

One kind of freedom can conflict with another kind of freedom, or it can conflict with legal responsibilities. Absolute freedom overrides everything, it can have no exceptions, and that is impractical. For example, there are many ways that free speech can be harmful. We do not allow fraud, slander, false advertising, or copyright violation, even though all of those are forms of speech. Society will respect someone's rights if that person will respect other people's rights in turn.

Why is freedom of speech a bad thing?

freedom of speech can sometimes allow people to express their views that others may consider to be offensive or provocative and incite violence or unrest.

Why are first amendment freedom not absolute freedoms?

One kind of freedom can conflict with another kind of freedom, or it can conflict with legal responsibilities. Absolute freedom overrides everything, it can have no exceptions, and that is impractical. For example, there are many ways that free speech can be harmful. We do not allow fraud, slander, false advertising, or copyright violation, even though all of those are forms of speech. Society will respect someone's rights if that person will respect other people's rights in turn.