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No the next president is decided by the amount of electoral votes the candidate gets. They need to have so many electoral votes to win the elections.

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Q: Does the electoral college decide the next president?
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What college was the president chosen by?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President of the United States.

Why do some people object to the electoral college systems role in Presidential elections?

Because by popular vote one guy be ahead and seem to be our next president yet the electoral college votes by state would allow another guy to be elected president.

Why vote if there is an electoral college?

Firstly because the electoral college does not wholly decide who becomes the next president. Even though there have been disputed cases where the electoral college makes an unpopular decision this is not at all the norm. Voting is a constitutional right and a fundamental aspect of democracy which makes a difference in who gets elected. Especially because the electoral college is only involved in presidential elections. Otherwise it is entirely up the people who is elected to positions such as state representative, state senator, and local positions like the school board or probate judge.

Why was amendment 12 added?

The twelfth amendments deals with the election of the president. If something should happen that the electoral college fails to decide, the congress must decide. There is a full set of rules as to what happens and in what order to determine who the next leader will be.

Why is the electoral college still used in determining who will become the next president?

because they vote for us our vote is irrelevant to the election hahaha this gov rocks

What month we elect presidents?

In the U.S. presidential and vice presidential election system each state appoints its electors based on the votes cast by the public on the day after the 1st Monday of November of every 4th year including 2016, then the electors cast their votes on the 6th Monday after that (in December).

If no one running for president gets the 270 Electoral votes needed to win who picks the next President?

a person

Does the electoral college have the last word on who gets to be the next president of the US of America?

Yes. According to the population of a state, that state gets a number of votes. The votes are never splited so whoever candidate got majority in a state gets all the votes from that state. The electoral college is supposed to vote based on that.

Have the electoral college already voted?

The electoral college is the method stipulated in Article II, Section I of the constitution for election of the president and vice president. Originally each state chose electors equal in number to the representatives and senators. They voted for 2 candidates each at least one of whom had to be from another state.. The person getting the most votes became president and the runner up vice president. If no one got the majority the House was to choose the president and vice president from the three leading candidates. Modern critics note that it has several dangerous flaws. For example a president can be elected with a majority of electoral votes even though his opponent has won the majority of popular votes. Now, that I have given a history of what this is I can answer your question. The last time the electoral college voted was after the election in 2008. It will vote again when the results of the next election are finished in 20012. Today the man/woman who gets the popular vote in each state the electoral college votes for that state goes to the candidate who got the most votes.

If the electoral college votes tie who chooses the next president?

If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president, with each of the fifty state delegations casting one vote, and the U.S. Senate will select the vice-president.

What is the Electoral College and what role does it play in a presidential election?

The electoral college is the ultimate form of election. People vote for electors, who then distribute themselves to the various states at an allotment ratio based on the population of people that bothered to vote in the previous election. They then poll the residents and politicians of that state and, once they've verified the polling results, go to Washington DC to consider voting for the candidates that the state they were assigned to voted for. After meeting with high ranking government officials for a last round of debate and campaigning, the college retreats to a room in the Capitol building where they lock themselves in and don't come out until they are done. They vote in secret and burn white smoke atop the Capitol dome as a signal once they have agreed on the next president of the United States.

How are the votes that actually decide who will be the next president cast under the current system?

Please follow the link below; the U.S. National Archives office explains it better than I do. I also included a link to the electoral votes from California as an example.