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Q: Does the US recession affect Australia?
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Related questions

Who does recession affect us?

i dont know if your a kid but it will be over in 40 days

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Which countries are least affected by this recession?

Australia and Canada

How does a recession in one country affect another?

International trade is affected by recession very much.

Is the recession over yet?

Depends which country you're talking about. I am quite sure that the USA is not yet over the recession, but I know that Australia never had a recession to begin with.

Was the great depression the only depression to affect the US?

Once we finish this "recession" we will be calling the last few years the "Greater Depression".

How much it will cost to relieve us from the recession?

It will cost about 850,000,000,000 dollars to relieve us fro the recession

How do recession as the economic factor affect business?


How does the federation of Australia affect us?

it is important value that federation happened

Will the US go into recession?

It has.

What caused the recession in the US in 2001 to be mild?

The suspect lending practices was one of the causes of the recession in the US in 2001.

What are the factors affecting recession?

Factors that affect recession are complex and vary between each incident. What most recessions seem to have in common is an over speculation in stocks, real estate, commodities or some combination precedes the recession. They are usually marked by a loss in confidence by the public which can affect the length/depth of the recession.