

Does the Taliban support Islam

Updated: 10/23/2022
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The Taliban supports an extremist version of Sunni Islam, but does not support "Islam" in general, especially more ecumenical versions of Islam and Non-Sunnis, who they feel are "weakening" or "falsely interpreting" Islam.

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Q: Does the Taliban support Islam
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What religious group are the taliban from?

The Taliban is an extremist fringe of Islam. To give you an idea, I once heard it said that the Taliban is to Islam what the Ku Klux Klan is to Christianity.

What type of fundamentalist group is the Taliban?

Wahhabi Islam.

Why do you suppose Iran is supporting both President Karzai and Taliban?

Iran doesn't support the Taliban. The Taliban rejects the Iranian form of Islam, and there is much hostility between the two, to the point where Iran almost invaded Afghanistan themselves, after the Taliban attacked the Iranian embassy in Afghanistan, killing the embassy staff. However, pressure from the international community caused Iran to call off the invasion. Additionally, the Iranian government actually provided intelligence about the Taliban to coalition forces during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.

Does the Taliban celebrate Christmas?

As Islamic Fundamentalists they are still followers of Islam. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ and Muslims do not believe in celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ, therefore it is highly unlikely that the Taliban Celebrate Christmas

Why did the taliban initially have the support of the population of Afghanistan?

When all systems of law break down and government seems hopelessly corrupt, people will seek out any group that appears to have a solution to the problems that are causing so much despair. In Afghanistan, the Taliban seemed to be that group. They were perceived as moral and ethical, and they pledged to clean up the corruption and bring a sense of order to the society. The Afghan culture, especially in rural areas, was already very conservative, so the Taliban probably did not seem excessively extreme at the beginning, plus people were genuinely hopeful that the Taliban would improve things. Of course, the initial support gradually faded, especially when the Taliban proved to be rigid and authoritarian, punitive to girls and women, and unwilling to allow any compromise to their interpretation of Islam. Further, many Taliban were quickly seen as brutal, and some even were involved in the opium trade. In some parts of Afghanistan, support for them remains, but for the most part, they are no longer seen as the answer to the country's problems, the way they were at the beginning of their rule.

Related questions

What religious group are the taliban from?

The Taliban is an extremist fringe of Islam. To give you an idea, I once heard it said that the Taliban is to Islam what the Ku Klux Klan is to Christianity.

What type of fundamentalist group is the Taliban?

Wahhabi Islam.

What do the Taliban have in common with most Muslims?

Belief in Islam and in prophet Muhammad. It is important to note, though, that most Muslims do not consider the Taliban to be "following Islam correctly" due to their harsh literalist nature.

Why is Islam so violent toward the US?

it is not Islam which is violent towards the USA, although it is the Taliban and they are Muslims. They are called extremists as they take Islam to the extreme. In Islam we are taught to care and be kind to all religions even atheists. The thing which strikes me is that some people think a group of people who are in the same religion fighting ,means the whole religion is with them. Even the Taliban for example! The Taliban have killed more Muslims and Afghans then anyone else!

Why did the taliban initially have support of the people of Afghanistan?

They evil

Why do you suppose Iran is supporting both President Karzai and Taliban?

Iran doesn't support the Taliban. The Taliban rejects the Iranian form of Islam, and there is much hostility between the two, to the point where Iran almost invaded Afghanistan themselves, after the Taliban attacked the Iranian embassy in Afghanistan, killing the embassy staff. However, pressure from the international community caused Iran to call off the invasion. Additionally, the Iranian government actually provided intelligence about the Taliban to coalition forces during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.

Who was the leader of the Taliban that restored order in Afghanistan but imposed an extreme form of Islam on its people?

He was Mullah Omar.

Why did America go to war in Afghanistan after helping put the Taliban into power during the Russia-Afghanistan war?

The Americans exploited the concept of Jihad in Islam to fight the soviets and push them out of Afghanistan, However, when the Mujahedeen ( The Islamic holy fighters) won the war and started to rule, their policy did suit the Americans. For example, Taliban ( the term used now for the Mujahdeen) are sympathatic with Arabs due to Islamic ties with them. This support included anti-Israeli position and call for the Palestinan cause. Such policy made the Americans move against Taliban and declared war against them specially after what happened in 9-11 and the support Osama Bin Laden by the Taliban. The Mujahadeen.

Does the Taliban celebrate Christmas?

As Islamic Fundamentalists they are still followers of Islam. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ and Muslims do not believe in celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ, therefore it is highly unlikely that the Taliban Celebrate Christmas

What happened during the Russian invasion the Afghanistan?

The US gave covert support to the Taliban.

Why did the taliban initially have the support of the population of Afghanistan?

When all systems of law break down and government seems hopelessly corrupt, people will seek out any group that appears to have a solution to the problems that are causing so much despair. In Afghanistan, the Taliban seemed to be that group. They were perceived as moral and ethical, and they pledged to clean up the corruption and bring a sense of order to the society. The Afghan culture, especially in rural areas, was already very conservative, so the Taliban probably did not seem excessively extreme at the beginning, plus people were genuinely hopeful that the Taliban would improve things. Of course, the initial support gradually faded, especially when the Taliban proved to be rigid and authoritarian, punitive to girls and women, and unwilling to allow any compromise to their interpretation of Islam. Further, many Taliban were quickly seen as brutal, and some even were involved in the opium trade. In some parts of Afghanistan, support for them remains, but for the most part, they are no longer seen as the answer to the country's problems, the way they were at the beginning of their rule.

Who would win IRA vs Taliban?

The IRA would win , they have been fighting for hundreds of years and they have more modern weapons with widespread support. They also have: support of the local people which cannot be said abiut the Taliban, More tactical training.