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No - The source of the River Nile is the confluence, near Khartoum in Sudan, of the White Nile and Blue Nile

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Q: Does the Nile River start in Cairo?
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Does the Nile river run through Babylon or not?

No the Nile is in Egypt, far away from Babylon which is in Iraq. The Iraqi Babylon which is the famous city of the Bible, is close to the river Euphrates. However there was a part of the old city of Cairo which was known as Babylon and that would have been quite close to the Nile. It should not be confused with biblical Babylon.

What major river is in Ancient Egypt?

the major river systems have to do with the Nile river. the Nile river provided transportation, water, and also allowed agriculture to take place. Also Nile river was the reason why Egypt is called "the gift of the Nile."

What river helped nurture ancient Egypt's civilization?

the nile river is the river that Egypt depended on for water to bath in drink from and to water their crops with

What is the difference between upper Egypt and lower Egypt?

"Lower Egypt" is the half of ancient Egypt at the north, or Mediterranean end, including the Nile delta. "Upper Egypt" is the region to the south. The dividing line was south of the present city of Cairo."Lower Egypt" is along the downstream, lower, or northern part of the Nile River, since it flows from south to north. "Upper Egypt" is the southern part, from where the two branches of the Nile (the Blue Nile and White Nile) combine at Khartoum. The two regions were historically separate, with different languages and customs, such that the ancient pharaohs were said to rule the "Two Kingdoms." They were first united around 3050 BC by the pharaoh Menes, beginning the long dynastic period.Upper Egypt was repeatedly conquered by African kingdoms to the south, including the Hyksos and the Kingdom of Kush. The capital of Upper Egypt (from the Cataracts to Cairo) was at Thebes, while the lower had its center at Memphis.Where the river started, loosely, was Upper Egypt, from the Sudan north to Cairo (a very long stretch of miles). Lower Egypt was the lowest part of the river, where the river ended, emptying itself into the Mediterranean Sea, at the Nile River Delta. Lower Egypt was where most of the people were: Everything depended on the Mother Nile. .

Is the Nile River the only river in Egypt?

No, it isn't the only river in Egypt. The blue nile, white nile, and the Sudan are all the other rivers in Egypt.

Related questions

Which river flows though the city of Cairo?

The River Nile flows through Cairo, Egypt.

Is the nile river in cairo Egypt?

The Nile River goes through Jinja, Juba, Khartoum, and Cairo.

What the name of the river in Cairo called?

The Nile River

Which river flows thorough Cairo?

It is the River Nile.

The Egyptian city of cairo is on which river?

River Nile

Is the Nile in the capital city of Cairo?

Cairo is the capitol city of Egypt, the Nile is a river, is the longest in the world and it flows through Cairo.

The Egyptian city of Cairo is which great river?

The river Nile which actually flows through Cairo.

What city does the Nile flow through?

The Nile River flows through four cities which are Cairo, Jinja, Khartoum and Juba. The Nile River is considered the longest river in the world.

What river was huck fin on by cairo?

i think the nile river

Cairo is located near the Delta of what river?

the Nile River

What is the major of the river nile?

cairo and khartam

What city in Egypt is along the nile river?

The Nile River runs by the city Cairo in Egypt. =)