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Among other things, yes.

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The Gemara is primarily a collection of discussions and commentaries on the Mishnah, which is the codification of Jewish oral law. While it does mention events and figures from Jewish history, its main purpose is to interpret and analyze the laws and teachings of the Torah. The Gemara does emphasize repentance and obedience to God's commandments, as this is a fundamental aspect of Jewish law and practice.

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Q: Does the Gemara recount Jewish history and call for repentance and obedience?
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Continue Learning about General History

Any of the four books of Jewish history?

Jewish History is contained in thousands of books. A short list is: The Torah The Prophets The Writings The Mishna The Gemara

What are the top facts about the Talmud?

The Talmud contains the Oral Torah of the Jewish people.The Talmud serves to clarify the brief verses of the Torah and Tanakh (Hebrew Bible).The Talmud, after the Hebrew Bible, is considered the primary text of Jewish learning.The Talmud contains, in addition to Torah-matters, some mathematics, geometry and trigonometry, medicine, astronomy, and advice on a large range of problems and situations.The Talmud includes information on the lives and personalities of the Sages, from Abraham down to the writing of the Talmud.The Talmud was kept entirely orally, and learned by heart, from the time of Moses until it was written 1800 years later (1500 years ago).The Talmud contains the Mishna (relatively brief paragraphs of law, in Hebrew) and Gemara (explanations of the Mishna, in Aramaic and Hebrew).The Talmud has thousands of published commentaries.The Talmud contains 63 tractates (volumes) in 2711 leaves (double pages). New printed editions maintain the same pagination as earlier ones.The Talmud has been banned, censored and burned many times by enemies of the Jews.Some of its books are: A tractate (volume) about the daily blessings (Berakhot)A tractate about ShabbatA tractate about Passover (Pesachim)A tractate about Rosh HashanahA tractate about Yom Kippur (Yoma)A tractate about Purim (Megillah)A tractate about marriage (Ketubot)A tractate about vows (Nedarim)A tractate about divorce (Gittin)Three tractates containing laws of torts, damages, property etc. (the three Bavot)A tractate about Jewish courts (Sanhedrin)A tractate about the prohibition of idolatry (Avodah Zarah)A tractate about the offerings (Zevachim)A tractate about the laws of keeping kosher (Chullin).

Why did the Jewish people like the Pharisees?

This question does not specify time and the answer is different based on when this question takes place. If this is in reference to the Roman Period: The Pharisees were a populist movement, therefore they catered to the interests of the Jewish people. They opposed the Sadducees who represented elite interests and the Priestly class in general. Smaller movements like the Essenes were littered about, but the Pharisees were the most popular because they covered a large base. If this is in reference to anything after the Roman Period: The Jewish people ARE the Pharisees and Pharisaic Traditions. So the question at this point is more along the lines of "Why do the Jewish people like their own take on religion?" which is a nonsensical question. (If you didn't like your take on religion, you would change it.)

Related questions

Any of the four books of Jewish history?

Jewish History is contained in thousands of books. A short list is: The Torah The Prophets The Writings The Mishna The Gemara

When was Gemara Williams born?

Gemara Williams was born on 1983-04-30.

What is the commentary on the Oral Torah?

The Gemara is the commentary of the Torah-sages on the Oral Torah. Together, the Oral Torah (Mishna) and the Gemara make up the Talmud.

Who is Tana Kama?

Tana Kama- anynomus voice of the Gemara

What is the Talmund?

The Talmud is made up of the Gemara and the Mishna. The Mishna is a brief outline of the laws of the Oral Torah. The Gemara is the detailed explanation. Please see the related article for a complete explanation.

Primary source for Jewish law consisting of mishnah and the gemara?

The Talmud.

How many pages are in the talmud?

The Talmud consists of 2 main parts: the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah contains about 4000 pages, and the Gemara contains about 5500 pages. So in total, the Talmud has around 9500 pages.

What is the primary source of Jewish religious law consisting of the mishnah and gemara?


What has the author Isaac Campanton written?

Isaac Campanton has written: 'Darkhe ha-Gemara'

What sacerd text are there in a synagogue?

There can be thousands to less than 100. All synagogues - Shuls, have a Torah (and most have a couple) Chumashim, Siddurim of different versions, Tanachs. Many have other Halachik - law books, Mifurshie Chumash - Commentators on the Torah, Gemara's, Mifarshie HaGemara - commentators on Gemara

Can you make a word from these letters margea?

Gemara The second part of the collection of ancient rabbinic writings on Jewish law.

Did the gemara say that moses was the man who led the hebrews out of slavery?

The Torah itself says so (Exodus ch.12).