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Good records are an important to all executors. A full accounting should be available if the court should request it.

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Q: Does the Executrix need to provide receipts with the first and final accounting of a probate estate?
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How do you transfer duties from executrix to one named as an alternate?

Apply to the probate court. If the primary has already accepted the duties, they will have to provide a full accounting to the court of what they did. The court will issue new papers for the new executor. If they haven't assumed the duty, they simply decline to serve.

The attorney-in-fact under a Power of Attorney is now the executor of the estate. Can they be required to provide an accounting for the time they served as AIF?

Yes, that person can be audited or made to account for what was done under the POA. The practical problem is that the executrix of the estate is the one normally exclusively entitled to demand an accounting from the former POA holder and it is not likely that she will provide an accounting unless ordered to do so. A beneficiary of the estate would have standing under those circumstances to file an action in court to get a court order directing the executrix to account for what she did under the POA. Most states have no automatic requirement for an accounting by a POA holder the way they might have automatic requirements for an executrix to account. This is why the beneficiary might have to go to court.

How can daughter in Australia obtain a copy of fathers will after probate finished when executrix and lawyer in UK will not provide a copy of the will?

If the will was properly filed for probate then you should be able to bypass the lawyer and executer and obtain a copy from the court. The information at the link below may help you to begin making inquiries.

Can the probate office ask for executor for a statement?

The executor is required to provide a full accounting. The court can request one on a regular basis.

How can executors get information from non compliant former power of attorney?

They should file a motion in the probate court to compel the attorney-in-fact to provide a full accounting of their activities and any records or checkbooks that belonged to the decedent. A court order will get the cooperation of the former AIF.They should file a motion in the probate court to compel the attorney-in-fact to provide a full accounting of their activities and any records or checkbooks that belonged to the decedent. A court order will get the cooperation of the former AIF.They should file a motion in the probate court to compel the attorney-in-fact to provide a full accounting of their activities and any records or checkbooks that belonged to the decedent. A court order will get the cooperation of the former AIF.They should file a motion in the probate court to compel the attorney-in-fact to provide a full accounting of their activities and any records or checkbooks that belonged to the decedent. A court order will get the cooperation of the former AIF.

If executor reuses to settle an estate what can you do?

Consult a probate attorney in your area. You can ask the court to appoint a new executor. They will have to provide a complete accounting to the court.

How do you spend the money from your husbands estate in the state of pa?

Only the executor can do that. They will have a letter of authorization from the probate court. They will provide a complete accounting to the court for the estate and what was spent.

How do I question division of my father's estate?

You ask the executor or administrator for an accounting. If they do not provide one, you ask the probate court to call the executor or administrator before it to produce the required accounting (and to post a fiduciary bond, while you're at it).

Am I entitled to have all accounting records of my mothers estate once the estate is finalised although my brother is executor?

Once an estate is filed for probate it becomes a public record. You can go to the court where the estate was filed and ask to see the file at any time during the probate process or after it has been completed.

What are the executor's responsibilities re sharing knowledge of deceased person's assets in detail prior to distribution?

The executor has to inventory and value all assets. They have to provide a full accounting to the probate court.

Can an executor be prosecuted for not properly handling an estate in a timely manner?

Defining timely is going to be the issue in this case. An executor has a duty to be thorough and complete in what they do. They must provide a full accounting to the probate court.

Where can I get donations for probate money?

There are very few charities that exist that will provide donations for probate money. Most money needed for probate issues will have to be privately raised.