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Answer The US declaration does not state that God gives certain people the right to govern. What it states is that God gives people the right to govern themselves; thus government of the people, by the people and for the people.

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Q: Does the Declaration of Independence state that only certain people have the right to govern?
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What basic rights are not included in the Declaration of Independence?

God gives certain people the right to govern.

What document states that only the people have the power to govern?

i believe that it was the Declaration of Independence

Why is if the government denies its people certain basic rights that government can be overthrown expressed in the declaration of independence?

it loses the right to govern so it cant govern anymore

Where does the declaration of independence say governments get their power?

The government gets its power to govern as enumerated in the declaration of independence from the constitution.

Which document states that only the people have the power to govern who wrote it?

Decleration of Independence.

What does Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence have in common?

Thomas Paine wrote about 'people had the right to govern themselves rather than a king' but, the Declaration of Independence states to break free from Brittan.

The seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American revolution can be found in what theory of government?

The theory of Democracy or the rights of people to govern themselves.

What theory of government can the seeds of the declaration of independence and the American revolution can be found?

The theory of Democracy or the rights of people to govern themselves.

What was the cause of the Declaration of Independence which started that the authority to govern belongings to people was sent to the king?

the colonist needed to let hin know for there resons for there indenpendence

The Declaration of Independence states that governmental powers come from the consent of the govern What does this mean in the U.S. system of government?

The government receives its authority to act from the people.

What are the five important things about the Declaration of Independence?

All people are created by God and equal. People are endowed by God with certain rights. The people have the right to govern themselves. They retain the right to alter or abolish an unlawful government. And the people are free to organize government's powers to secure their happiness.

What comes after 'We the people' in the 1776 US Declaration of Independence?

That phrase "We the people..." is not in the Declaration of Independence. It is in the US Constitution.