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Revolution always leads to change

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Q: Does revolution always change society
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Why is revolution not necessary for the change?

revolution is not necessary for change bcoz the society by droughts,winds,snow etc.

How did society change in the past?

It changed massively. Especially after the industrial revolution

Difference of french revolution and America war independence?

The difference was that the American Revolution was conservative while the French Revolution wanted to completely change everyday society.

When was Revolution Society created?

Revolution Society was created in 1788.

What was the change from nomadic herding to settled farming called?

The change from nomadic herding to settled farming is called the Neolithic Revolution. This transition marked the shift from a hunter-gatherer society to an agricultural society, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the domestication of plants and animals.

Is there going to be a revolution?

Yes, there will always be revolutions, I think, but when no one can say. Things must change and where ever there is a group of powerful people that fight that change (usually because change would end their power), there will be revolution.

Why did the term industrial revolution misleading?

It is misleading if it carries the implication of a once-for-all change from a "preindustrial" to a "postindustrial" society.

How did Lenin's communist revolution differ from the theoretical revolution of Karl marx?

Marx believed that a revolutionary change in a society's economic system would produce a change in society's political systems. Marx's revolution would have been one where the workers of the world (the proletariat) would take the means of production (factories, etc.) away from their owners and controllers (the bourgeoisie. This would be a revolution of one economic class against another. Lenin believed that a revolutionary change in a society's political system was necessary in order to impose a change in the economic system. Lenin's revolution was one where a small group of people (Bolsheviks) seized control of the government (the political entity). The conditions that Marx felt would spark the economic revolution never existed in Russia.

When was Society of Devotees of the Islamic Revolution created?

Society of Devotees of the Islamic Revolution was created in 1999.

How did democracy help society?

i think it possible to change society because democracy have power that belonging by people if they do correct, can change if not also can chance. why dose it? there is one thing always sitting together that good and bad . both can change to every society .

Main result for having a Revolution?

Revolutions bring change. It may not always bring the desired change and there are often unintended consequences as a result.

What happened in the sugar revolution in the sixteencentry?

They were change in land use,The price of land,population changes.Monoculture,A Statified Society ans Absenteeism.