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Of. Course. Toxicity so. Dangerous blood. Disorders

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Q: Does camp page in Korea qualify for agent orange exposure?
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Was agent-orange used in Korea?


Is lung scar tissue related to agent orange?

Can be. I had a friend die of exposure to agent orange.

Is amyloidosis related to agent orange?

Yes,it is now recognized by the VA as being related to Agent Orange exposure.

Is it possible that Actinic Granuloma can be cause from exposure to Agent Orange?

Yes, it is possible

Can exposure to agent orange cause seizures?

You will need to get a PERSONAL doctors diagnosis to answer this.

Can a purple heart be awarded to someone wo develops cancer after exposure to agent orange?


Can a veteran transmit an agent orange disease to his spouse?

No, the disease is not contagious. Only exposure to the agent can cause problems.

Is Agent Orange connected to FSGS kidney failures?

I would say yes since my grandfather is going into full Kinsey failure and the doctors say it was due to his exposure to agent orange

What service-related health issues still affect the Vietnam Veterans today?

PTSD and exposure to Agent Orange.

Gulf of Tonkin and agent orange exposure?

Not a problem. Over inland forests only.

Has anyone died from agent orange?

There is no way to know for sure how many people have died from exposure to Agent Orange as the chemical, dioxin, can be passed to later generations. There are a reported 650,000 Vietnamese that have confirmed exposure to dioxin and are showing health effects. Dioxin is highly carcinogenic and is easily passed from mother to child.

Where was agent orange shipped from?

agent orange ws shipped from the US into US Bases in Vietnam then they put the agent orange onto the helicopters then they launch the helicopters to spray the agent orange