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Does the epic of Gilgamesh suggest that Mesopotamian society was uncivilized? I don't really think so. It was probably the most sophisticated, technologically advanced socitey of its day. Certainly Gilgamesh's behaviour at the start of the epic was a little barbaric, but the epic makes it clear that this behaviour was unacceptable. It also seems to suggest that dangerous journeys of conquest are not ideal, pandering more to the hubris of the king than the good of his people. Furthermore, the story of Enkidu describes civilization as a powerful and positive influence on the former wild man. If anyone is barbaric in the epic it is the chief gods for destroying humanity with a flood. Unlike the biblical equivalent, however, they are strongly repremanded and criticized for this action. Finally, the production of such a momentus literary work as the epic itself is the best argument for the sophistication and humanistic values of at least one educated subsegment of Mesopotamian society in the late second millennium BCE.

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Q: Does The Epic of Gilgamesh teaches us about the barbarism of Mesopotamian society?
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