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Up until the early 20th century yes, then the Soviet Union and the U.S. were tied overall, each accelerating in different areas at different times. Currently the U.S. has the second largest active military, if you include reserves we have the largest. We have a fleet that would meet it's match if the nations ranked 14-2 in naval power combined their forces. We have the largest and most advanced air force (this was debateable until the F-22 entered mass production and with the arrival of the F-35 we will be generations ahead of Russian tech). Our marines are more experienced, use much better weapons (the standard issue M4 is being replaced with a nearly identical weapon, the Barrett REC7, with a much higher stopping power) and vehicles, and deploy much faster. The U.S. Army uses the M1A2 Abrams MBT which makes every soviet made vehicle look like a Prius' retarded cousin. The only area where Russia maintains their advantage is in nuclear weapons which are becomming more and more obsolete. Our great advances in weaponry stems from the fact that Russia hasn't had a large arms build up since the 1970s.

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Impossible to say for certain, since that information is highly classified. However, the general consensus is they are about equal.

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Q: Does Russia have better nuclear weapons than the US?
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Which country has the most weapons?

According to my research the most weapons country is the United States currently owns 9,600 nuclear weapons, while Russia currently owns 16,800. But Russia actually always had more nuclear weapons than the United States.

Does america have more combined nuclear weapons them the rest of the world?

No, Russia has more than the US.

How many megatons of nuclear weapons does Russia have?

less than 4000, more than 400, exact number classified.

Which country has the most nuclear weapons?

The United States currently owns 9,600 nuclear weapons, while Russia currently owns 16,800. But Russia actually always had more nuclear weapons than the United States. Russia was lacking in nuclear warheads from beginning of time to 1975. For various reasons, the USSR (and now Russia) have pretty much always had more ICBM weapons than the US, while the US maintained a larger stockpile of gravity bombs, SLBMs, and cruise missiles. Currently, as nuclear-tipped cruise missiles were forbidden under the START I treaty, only bombs, ICBMs, and SLBMs are in existence, with the number of 'usable' weapons varying over time.

Does Russia still have nuclear weapons today?

Actually Russia now has 500 to 1000 more nuclear weapons than the USA due to limits set in the START treaty and they are higher yield, based on the fact that their ICBMs are less accurate than US ICBMs.

What caused the arms race after World War 2?

Project 'Manhattan' or to simply say, Nuclear Bombs and the US "Red Scare" in the early 1950s. from then on every country wanted nuclear weapons, And the First to acquire was the US, then Russia, then the United Kingdom, then France, then China, then India, then Pakistan, then North Korea. It is believed that Israel also has them, but they refuse to either confirm or deny. At the peak of the cold war arms race both the US and Russia had more than 10,000 strategic nuclear weapons and roughly 50,000 tactical nuclear weapons each, no other country in the world has ever had more than a few hundred total strategic and tactical nuclear weapons. As of 2014 both the US and Russia have reduced their stockpiles to about 3000 strategic nuclear weapons and zero tactical nuclear weapons (however the US maintains the parts from the dismantled 7000 strategic nuclear weapons and in an emergency could still reassemble them in a few months time into usable weapons, Russia likely has similar ability).

Does Afghanistan or pakistan have nuclear weapons?

NO for Afghanistan; YES for Pakistan. Afghanistan does not have nuclear weapons, nor did it have nuclear weapons at any time, nor has it been accused by other countries of having nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for what that's worth.Pakistan confirmed its first nuclear weapons tests in 1998.

How strong are the Russian nuclear weapons compared to that of US?

Both Russia and the United States possess strong nuclear arsenals with similar destructive capabilities. The exact strength of each country's nuclear weapons is classified, but they both have the ability to cause immense damage and are considered two of the most powerful nuclear states in the world.

Whose nuclear weapons are stronger - the US or Russia?

Both the US and Russia possess powerful nuclear arsenals, each with a diverse range of delivery systems and warhead types. It is challenging to compare the strength of their nuclear weapons directly due to differences in capabilities and strategic doctrines. However, both countries have the capacity to inflict catastrophic damage in a nuclear conflict.

How many nuclear weapons are in us?

as per today's update Russia has more than 3000 nuclear warheads(deactivated),1200 warheads ready for use. US has nearly 2400 nuclear warheads stockpiled and 400 nukes ready for use.

Who has the strongest nuclear weapons in the world?

If by strongest you mean highest yield, I believe this would be Russia. Current treaties allow them higher yield weapons because their ICBMs are somewhat less accurate than US ICBMs.

Why shouldn't north Korea have nuclear weapons?

They don't have any less of a right to have nuclear weapons than any other country.