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Q: Does John Locke think that everyone should have the right to vote?
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What was the name of the enlightenment philosopher the influence the declaration of independence?

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. Locke is right, I'm not sure about Hobbes.

When did John Locke think people should set up a new government?

John Locke believed that people should set up a new government when the existing government fails to protect their natural rights, namely life, liberty, and property. He argued that when a government violates these rights, people have the right to rebel and form a new government that will secure and protect their rights.

How did John Lockes ideas about rights influence the colonists?

When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence he used the thinking of Locke. For a thousand years kings and queens had ruled the world. They did what they wanted, when they wanted, and treated people as they wanted. Locke stated the people had the RIGHT to chose leaders and government. That they also had God given rights. This was a new way to think of government. If you picture a triangle in the old way of kings they would be at the very top with everyone below them, but Locke turned the triangle on it's side making everyone the same. The king was no longer on top. These ideas influenced the men who made up Congress as they decided to break from England. The population, in general, didn't necessarily think about revolution or government, but were more concerned with living. The white land owning men who were over 21 didn't vote most of the time when there was an election so they weren't thinking about john Locke or even Jefferson. The 55 men who were the framers of the government were the MOST important and educated of the colonies were reading the philosophy of Locke and others.

Why did some consider john Locke to be a radical?

He proposed people should think for themselves and all had god given rights to property and protection.

It can be assumed that John Locke agreed with what principle of the US democracy system?

I think you have it backwards, but that the United States democracy is based on the philosophy of Locke so the constitution agreed with Locke.

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What three things did Locke think that every person was entitled to?

John Locke a famous philosopher in the 1600s believed that every person was entitled to three fundamental rights: life liberty and property. Locke argued that these rights were natural rights meaning that they were not granted by any government or society but instead were inherent to all people by virtue of their existence. Life: Locke believed that everyone has the right to live and should be allowed to pursue whatever life they choose. Liberty: Everyone should have the freedom to act and think as they choose so long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others. Property: Everyone should be able to possess and own property as long as it is acquired legally.These rights set the stage for many of the ideas and values that we still hold today.

What does Locke think humans should do if governments are not meeting those needs?

He states that people have a right to change the government. The thing about Locke is that he wrote this in a time when only kings had ruled for a thousand years. It was a revolutionary thought for it’s time.

Can everyone have or has?

i think it should be everyone has

Should all citizens have a right under justice to medical care?

The answer to this question is a matter of opinion and great controversy. Some folks believe that everyone should have the right to unlimited medical care. Others believe that everyone should have the right to a limited amount of medical care. Others believe that people should have the right to the amount of medical care that they can afford. I think everyone is in agreement that everyone should have the right to access medical care, but the big controversy is who should pay for that medical care, them, or you, through your taxes.

What form government did John Locke think was the best?

limited power government that is checked and balanced, and one where everyone is treated equally

What did John Locke think the best form of government was?

John Locke believed in a constitutional government that protected natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property. He advocated for a government with limited powers and a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. Locke believed that individuals had the right to rebel against a government that violated their natural rights.

What did John Locke think all people have a right to?

Life, Liberty, and the power to own personal property.

WHO WAS THE Enlightenment thinker thought people had the right to overthrow bad governments?

One of the Enlightenment thinkers who believed that people had the right to overthrow bad governments was John Locke. Locke argued that if a government fails to protect the natural rights of its citizens – life, liberty, and property – then the people have the right to rebel and establish a new government.

Is everyone talented?

well i think that everyone is, but, those people just have to get the right song or the right pitch to sing that song that is desired

Are you against gay people?

I am not because. Everyone has a right to be who they were born to be! And who cares what others think. It's about what you think and feel is right!

Do students have the right to use technology to learn?

I do think they should have the right because it helps students learn in a more fun way then just sitting and reading a book, everyone has the right to do something, but if a student has the access to technology they should be able to use it to learn.

Should i show my face to everyone you think they will leave me for how ugly i am?

sis everyone is beautiful and plus i think you will look nice