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Japan is a parlimentary government with a constitutional monarchy. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Mutsuhito II, but the Prime Minister has ruling power unlike the British monarchy. The Prime Minister is a figure of great wealth, executive authority & royal power, and has been for hundreds of years, Japan's legislature is the National Diet of Japan, consisting of the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors. Japan also has a Prime Minister that reports to the National Diet & the Emperor of Japan.

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13y ago
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12y ago

yes, infact japan has 2 queens. with the initials JB and SH. these two girls are married to men 3/4 years older and they rule their empire.

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13y ago

An Emperor.

The current is Emperor Akihito.

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15y ago

emperour i think

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11y ago

In name only. He is a figure head .

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