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Q: Does Harappan culture shows evidence of agriculture activity?
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Harappan culture shows evidence of all except?

Harappans did not use iron.

List three characteristics of harappan culture?

One characteristic of the Harappan culture was that it lasted from 2500 BC until 1500 BC. Another was that the roadways were highly planned out. And a third characteristic is that the culture was built up upon agriculture.

How was Aryan culture different from Harappan culture?

Hinduism was practiced in Aryan culture. Brahmanism was practiced in Harappan culture.

The harappan culture existed in which BC?

Harappan culture lasted from 3300 BC to 1900 BC.

Do the city of dholavira and lothal give glimpses of harappan culture?

Yes they give glimpses of harappan culture.

Did harappan culture have iron?


Which site of harappan civilization pre-harappan and harappan culture was found?

Mehrgarh is a pre-Harappan site in Pakistan, and Harappa and Mohenjodaro are Harappan sites, also in Pakistan. There is a link below.

How was aryan culture diffrerent from harappan culture?

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How did the culture differ from Harappan culture?

Because they are all cultires!

Why so little known about Mohejo-Dao and Harappan culture?

We can't understand the Harappan language.

What encouraged the rise of the harrapan culture?

The rise of the Harappan culture was encouraged by factors such as fertile river valleys, technological advancements in agriculture and urban planning, and trade networks that facilitated cultural exchange and economic growth. The presence of sophisticated city planning, standardized weights and measures, and the development of writing systems also played a role in the flourishing of the Harappan civilization.

What questions do you still have about harappan culture?

What did they acomplish over the years they were in power?.