

Does Germany have computers

Updated: 8/23/2023
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That depends on how you define "computer". It is generally accepted that Konrad Zuse (a German) designed and built the first programmable electro-mechanical computing machine, or digital computer, called the Z3, in 1941. It was destroyed during the course of World War II.

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Q: Does Germany have computers
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The first electromechanical computers were invented in Germany. Konrad Zuse first built computers in his parents' apartment. Zuse worked alongside the Nazi's and received some funding for his work from them.

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Z1, it was mechanical (including memory), but it did floating point arithmetic. Electronic computers were later.

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Computers in the 40's were used to perform calculations for the military of the country that developed it. The Z3 in Germany was the first such computer, with the American Harvard-IBM MARK I and ENIAC, along with the English Colossus coming soon after that.